Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Economics and the Effects on Our Society Essay - 962 Words

Economics and the Effects on Our Society Post University Maria Krug BUS501 January 13, 2013 Economics and the Effects on Our Society A crucial topic of discussion that we hear among our fellow co-workers, family, friends, or colleagues is how the economy is affecting our daily activities of living. When stating this, there is much debate and question as to how our money is valued and the effects it poses on various aspects of our purchases and savings. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, economics can be defined as, â€Å"A social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services† (Merriam-Dictionary,†¦show more content†¦Production is examined closely to determine how society will be able to benefit and what resources will cause it to fall. (Investopedia) Growth: Economic growth controls and regulates production and consumption of resources that a society uses. Based on market values, the economy can rise or fall. With PPF, there can be economic growth if resources are allocated efficiently. (Investopedia) Opportunity Cost: From an economic standpoint, this creates choice of different needs that an individual or society may make in order to have one good or service rather than another. The value of resource determines the choice of opportunity that person(s) will have. (Investopedia) Trade: From a micro or macro-economic standpoint, trade focuses on which resources are more important in value; which good and services will benefit the economy if they are kept or traded. Supply and Demand: In economics, supply refers to how much of a resource the market can provide for the society, while demands refers to the need or quantity of good and services buyers in society want. (Investopedia) Elasticity: When a consumer is in greater need of resources, there is a smaller chance for price change. However, when goods and services are in less demand as a necessity, price change will not affect the economy as much. Elasticity is based on the change of supply and demand of goods and services that a society is in need of. (Investopedia)Show MoreRelatedKnow Online Gaming on a New View: Its Positive Effect for Society1104 Words   |  4 Pageswhat is called the league of legends is so popular. Many young people like this game. But someone thinks that online gaming could only take the negative effect like internet addiction to the society, it should be limited by government, but for other people’s opinion, online gaming also have many positive effects for the society, and its good effect is more important than the bad side. Such as the increasing of the economical development, remitting the employment pressure, fostering people’s sense ofRead MoreCorporate Social Re sponsibility On A Social Level1086 Words   |  5 Pagestowards corporate and social responsibility. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Facebook Is A Social Networking Site - 1467 Words

Facebook is a social networking site (SNS) where people can communicate with one another, share photos and posts, and poke one another. Numerous studies have been conducted concerning Facebook, and an array of social and psychological theories have been used to study the SNS. When I was looking through my profile from over the years, I began to notice characteristics about me that I tried to present to my audience. Self-esteem issues were present in my profile, and the social comparison theory related well to the feelings and thoughts I encountered when viewing the profiles of other users. Display rules allow a false sense of self because we only show others what we think is â€Å"appropriate† (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 2013). Concerning social perception, I was able to relate my profile to internal and external attribution. Analyzing my profile was not easy, but I learned a great deal about myself in the process. My junior and senior year of high school were my toughest years growing up. I did not have a sense of belonging and continually walked the path of trying to find who I was and what I wanted in life. After my parents’ separation, my self-esteem plummeted, and I vied for attention when my parents would not give me any. Facebook was introduced to me in 2010 when I was a junior. Facebook was all anyone talked about because it was so new and fascinating to young people in general, so I decided to give it a go. When I first made the profile, I was constantly postingShow MoreRelatedFacebook : A Social Networking Site857 Words   |  4 Pages  When one joins a social networking site, they basically sign their rights over to that site (Friends Without Boarders). Many people do not read the terms and conditions when making an account to begin with, so they never know what they are really getting into (Friends Without Boarders). For instance, did you know on Facebook when someone joins, it automatically allows Facebook to access their information? They collect data from their members off of third party websites, so they can tailor the websiteRead MoreFacebook And Social Networking Sites Essay1619 Words   |  7 PagesNew media has been easily made available everywhere and Facebook in particular as one of the world most popular social networking site (SNS) can be made accessible from desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablet because of this, almost everybody can have access to Facebook anywhere they go. For the most reason, due to the introduction of new media, Facebook plays a key role communication and staying in touch with families, friends, acquaintances, businesses, groups meetings and a whole lot of othersRead MoreFacebook And Social Networking Sites1532 Words   |  7 PagesMark Zuckerberg founded Facebook when he was 23 years old while he attended Harvard University. Zuckerberg went to Harvard to study psychology and while he went there he developed a number of social networking sites that allowed stude nts to view other students with the same degree and others where users could rate people’s attractiveness. When Facebook was first launched in February of 2004 it was called â€Å"The Facebook†. 1,200 Harvard students signed up and had a Facebook profile within the firstRead MoreFacebook : A Social Networking Sites Essay2202 Words   |  9 PagesThrough its years of operation, Facebook has been able to evolve and remain as one of the most popular social networking sites ever created. Facebook’s purpose is for users to connect, share,†¯and communicate with each other across the†¯internet. The case explores the beginning of Facebook, in 2003, when Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg first created an on-campus website called Facemash. 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It is the world’s second largest social networking site and was originally known as â€Å"The Facebook† which was changed a couple of years later to, which it is known as from today (2014). The site remains free to join and makes its profits through advertising revenue. (Phillips, S.2007) Facebook has adapted greatly over the last 10 years, itRead MoreDo Social Networking Sites Such as Facebook and Twitter Cause More Harm Than Good1017 Words   |  5 PagesDo social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter cause more harm than good? As time changes almost everyone around the world spends time using internet instead watching television these days. They seek help from internet, communicate through internet, and play games online and many more. People starting from minor to adult, they all love to be in the very popular social networking sites such as â€Å"Facebook† and â€Å"Twitter†. 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Social networking is primarily focused around one thing: connections. One can utilize every social network that exists (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but unlessRead MoreThe Use of Social Networking Sites1657 Words   |  7 PagesAdvantages, Abuses and Dangers. Their Advantages, Abuses and Dangers. The Use of Social Networking Sites The Use of Social Networking Sites Introduction: Human beings by and large are social. They feel an inherent need to connect and expand their connections. There is a deep rooted need among humans to share. In the past, due to geographical distances and economic concerns, connections between people were limited. A social network is made up of individuals that are connected to one another by a particular

Monday, December 9, 2019

Accounting Issues Positive Accounting Research

Question: Discuss about theAccounting Issuesfor Positive Accounting Research. Answer: Introduction This report discuss about the positive accounting research, an exhaustive study has been done in the report to characterize the issues faced by the business while development and creation of accounts and financial statements. Diversified approaches and process used by the entity for proficient use of positive accounting research are also been discussed in the report. The report further discuss about the effects of epistemology and ontology on positive accounting approach when used by the organization. It also analyzes the human behavior in regards to their response on positive accounting approach (Choi, Kim and Simunic, 2009). Positive accounting research article are been disclosed in the report representing the demise of the current approach used in the positive accounting. The report has also discussed about the recent and prospective factors disclosing the general outcome and opinion given in the article. Research questions given in the article to illustrate the problems in relati on to positive accounting theory has also been included in the report. The report also discuss about the major problems which accountant are facing while drafting the financial statements using positive accounting theory. Human behavior and their cause and effect relationship with respect to positive accounting practices are also been discussed in the report. Impacts of positive accounting theory are also been included including the significance and limitations of positive accounting theory (Pierce and Beko, 2009). To conclude the report implications and suggestion in regards to human behavior and their effects as per the research theory are been given. Importance of maintaining due diligence by the auditor to reduce the chances of potential errors in the accounts audited by the company has also been discussed in the report. Summary of the Article The articles main focus was put on positive practices of accounting and reciprocal behavior of individuals towards the research. Human behavior can be affected by many factors which can be direct or indirect, all these factors in relation to accounting has been discussed in the given article. This can help in reducing the problems faced by the management while decision making. Intellectual program for improving the positive accounting practices are also be discussed in the article, which can also be constructive in research practices (Ahmed, Neel and Wang, 2013). While evaluating the cause and effect relationship of human behavior and the reciprocal approach used by them several opinions on positive accounting theory has been evolved. Many arguments have been raised by the researchers for that positive accounting theory is based on the basis of individual opinions which is directly related to the rational behavior of the individual. Due diligence is the basic principle followed by th e auditor while conducting audit of the accounting practices used by the organization. Therefore auditors should not be pressurized to hamper its due diligence as it may amplify the likelihood of occurrence of misstatements in the audit report. Free will of individual to take decision has also been discussed in the article. A theory focusing on the free will of human showcased that when an individual is allowed to take decision on its free will there may be chances that decisions taken are restricted by the point of view the individual has capacity of the mind of such individual. No complete theory has been emphasized which reveals the human behavior in the positive accounting theory in the given research program. The program does not give any certain implications or applicability of human behavior. The theory has also revealed that the use of positive ontology and epistemology of this approach may also give ambiguous outcomes to the reader about the human behavior. Despite the fact that the research on positive accounting theory was done to recognize the positive and qualitative research there still exist the confusion while taking into consideration the research which can offer positive outcome at the same time maintaining the quality of the research. Since data is collected from the external sources for developing the better understanding of the, qualitative research can be used as a great tool for collection of such data. Therefore after evaluating the disclaimers given by the auditor on the accounting framework of the company by the researchers to make their research consistent and acceptable to the readers. Some scholars have recommended hypothesis testing for the qualitative positive accounting. It has also been acknowledged that the developing conditions in the industry has emerged the need of adopting flexibility to adopt the accounting policy for the entity by the accountant. The article further evaluated that the paper also assisted in the research done for comprehension of the human behavior and cause and effect in relation to the human behavior in the organizations working atmosphere. Research Questions from the Article Difference between accounting practice and intellectual program. Define the factors which are required to make the research program successful. Which problems are faced in the positive accounting practices? What are the possible factors to observe the ontology and epistemology in recent accounting practice? Theoretical Framework Different frameworks have been used in the research program to identify the flaws in the present research program about the positive accounting. It has further been evaluated that the presentation and theoretical framework can enhance the effectiveness in the company of positive accounting research. The article has also focused on the legal compliance need to be followed on while auditing the accounts of the company and impact of audit on the management of the company. According to the qualitative research there are many tests which can be applied while conducting the audit to reduce the chance of misstatement in the accounts of the company. Accounting data may include many errors or material misstatement which may affect the decisions of the management (Simunic, 1980). Since audit of the financial statement of the company improves the effectiveness of those statements it can be said that the inclusion of qualitative research in the positive accounting has been an important step. According to the positive accounting theory audit fees and proficiency of manager are the two important factors for the research. Fees of the auditor depend on the multifaceted work that is required to be undertaken by the auditor as the audit engagement. Many tests have been recommended by this article including hypothetical test which can be applied by the auditor while conducting audit. Implementation of audit functioning by the auditor in the positive accounting research can be assisted by the use of hypothetical test. This test also facilitate in developing better understanding of the audit functioning implied by the auditor. Qualitative positive research used in the article is also provided by the very famous Darwins theory of evaluation (Dyckman and Zeff, 2014). Two major reasons to adopt qualitative positive accounting theory discussed in the paper are collection of data from the public and to interpret such data and implementing it to evaluate variances in the positive accounting. Auditor of the company can also use this approach in measuring the accounting data and conducting audit procedure on such data received from the company. This approach also helps the auditor in identifying the accountants behavior and evaluating the alternatives used by the accountant while preparing the financial statements of the company (Fang, Haw, Yu and Zhang, 2014). Auditor can also use it to identify and solve the possible errors present in the accounting framework of the company. Since the data is collected by the accountant using this approach to prepare the accounts it can help the auditor to give its opinion on th e accounts prepared by the accountant. Null hypothesis used to evaluate the human behavior has also been accepted by the positive accounting. Null hypothesis uses test statistic as an important assumption while evaluating the possible factors in human behavior. Implications of Positive Accounting Understanding of human behavior is one of the major implications of positive accounting (Li, 2015). Many research programs have provided cause and effects of human behavior on positive accounting theory. Collection of data to measure the behavior of accountant has also been assisted by the qualitative approach of accounting. Therefore human behavior can be studied by the researchers using this valuable dimension of research. Audit procedure was developed to focus on identification of inaccuracy and frequency of mistake occurring in the accounts of the company. The reason provided while this system was developed was to propose ready answers to the accountant such that the problems can be resolved. It was not developed to improve the understanding of the human behavior in relation to accounts. There are many academic papers which are still continued to evaluate the human behavior and their reciprocal approach. Limitations of Positive Accounting Research The research has collected its data from the primary or secondary sources which cannot be considered as the reliable sources to evaluate the human behavior and it may not succeed in particular circumstances. Much time while following the positive accounting practices auditor may not be Abe to discover the errors in the financial statements. Since the data collected using ontology and epistemology provides less certain results it may not be helpful in research. Therefore auditor may sometimes fail in deterring the errors in the accounting data. Research done using hypothetical test may not that effective and efficient as expected since the data used in this test are collected using the assumption which are not certain (Everett, Neu, Rahaman and Maharaj, 2015). Accountants understanding also bound the effectiveness of the positive accounting research. Difference in the thoughts of accountant and the auditor is also one reason which limits the efficiency go the positive accounting approach. Conclusion Significance and limitations of positive accounting theory and has been discussed in the report. Also the effects of present accounting practices have been reflected in the successful implementation of the research. Requirement of data is also an important need while gauging the imperative theory used by the auditor in evaluating the performance of the company using accounting data. Major critique provided in the report is about the utilization of the data and qualitative approach used while collecting the data. Further it was evaluated that the auditor has to differentiate the behavior of the accountant and the methods used by him in preparation of the final accounts of the company. The research has also facilitated the auditor in identifying the misstatement in thru accounts o the company which are prepared by the accountant. The article consisted of many frameworks for accounting and different theories used in the decision making of accountant and auditors response in his audit report while analyzing the behavior of the accountant. Further problem determined in the article was to establish the cause and effect relationship of human in respect to accounting. While concluding the report it can be said that auditor has been assisted by the positive accounting theory by providing the standards to reduce the possibilities of the misstatements in the accounts of the companies while conducting audit of the company. References Choi, J.H., Kim, J.B., Liu, X., Simunic, D. A. (2009). Cross-listing audit fee premiums: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review. 84 (5), 1429-1463. Pierce, J. Beko, M. (2009). Moral in tooth and claw. The Chronicle of Higher. Education Dyckman, T.R. and Zeff, S.A., 2014. Some methodological deficiencies in empirical research articles in accounting.Accounting Horizons,28(3), pp.695-712. Everett, J., Neu, D., Rahaman, A.S. and Maharaj, G., 2015. Praxis, Doxa and research methods: Reconsidering critical accounting.Critical Perspectives on Accounting,32, pp.37-44. Li, X., 2015. Accounting conservatism and the cost of capital: An international analysis.Journal of Business Finance Accounting,42(5-6), pp.555-582. Ahmed, A.S., Neel, M. and Wang, D., 2013. Does mandatory adoption of IFRS improve accounting quality? Preliminary evidence.Contemporary Accounting Research,30(4), pp.1344-1372. Fang, J., Haw, I.M., Yu, V. and Zhang, X., 2014. Positive externality of analyst coverage upon audit services: Evidence from China.Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting Economics,21(2), pp.186-206. Simunic, D. A., 1980. The pricing of audit services: Theory and evidence. Journal of Accounting Research 18 (1), 161-190.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Will the availability of the Internet as a marketing channel for competitors quickly erode Dells competitive advantage Essay Example

Will the availability of the Internet as a marketing channel for competitors quickly erode Dells competitive advantage Paper Riding with the technology wave, many firms invested in the internet and related technologies in an attempt to try to gain competitive advantage over rivals by being the first to offer their products or services online. Many firms although have found serious problems with pursuing this. The profitability of the industry was often undermined as companies competed on price in order to try to build up their market share. Many firms also saw the development of internet capabilities as a separate strategy and not an integrated part of the firms strategy, often resulting in failure of its online operations. Over the last years Dell, as a company, has proved that the increase in product variety offers the possibility of customisation, when this is combined with modern production techniques, using the internet to take customised orders, it can prove to be a very serious competitive advantage, for the company that cannot erode easily. The sales numbers for Dells web-site are enormous, at March 1997 Dell was selling $1 million per day through the web-site and by March 1998 this number doubled to $2 million sales per day, but while much of the internet market is untapped there is still potential for this number to grow even more. We will write a custom essay sample on Will the availability of the Internet as a marketing channel for competitors quickly erode Dells competitive advantage specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Will the availability of the Internet as a marketing channel for competitors quickly erode Dells competitive advantage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Will the availability of the Internet as a marketing channel for competitors quickly erode Dells competitive advantage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Dell has created a very important advantage over their competitors because the direct to customers business model enables the company to be extremely responsive to any problem they might have to face at any point of time. Another important aspect for Dell is the service they offer, as they have created an excellent service capability based on the Dell Vision which states that a customer must have a quality experience and must be pleased, not just satisfied and further on this gives them an even larger advantage over their competitors as they have created a very strong relationship between the company and their most profitable customers. The monetizing concept argues that online businesses must first capture large audiences of users or shoppers, and then later monetize those audiences through subscription fees, advertising and e-commerce (Rayport 1999). Following from the above, it is obvious that Dell has an advantage over any new company that enters the market, as new entries will have to attract large number of customers first and then be able to play an important role in the market, while Dell already has captured a very large and also satisfied and dedicated audience. There is also a widely held belief that once a customer starts working with a vendor, it is much easier to keep that customer than it is to bring in new customers. So if you can build brand loyalty for a web-site early, it gives you an advantage over other vendors who try to enter the market later. Dell implemented its web-site very early and that presumably also gives them an advantage over the competition. Further on the internet can be a very useful tool for other companies that already trade in the pc market. At this point it is useful to mention Dells main competitors in the market, which are IBM, Apple, Wall-Mart, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard-Compaq and also many small local manufacturers in every region separately but there is no reason to probe on each one separately as each company follows their own strategy and different to Dells strategy, in order to gain larger market share and it is not fair to compare. The following points summarize Dell Computers marketing strategy for product and place, their target market and differentiations from competitors: Product Primary focus is built-to-order servers, storage, and personal computers * Secondary focus is computer peripherals, handheld devices, computer accessories and software Place * Internet * Primary approach is direct to customer * Secondary approach is indirect, utilizing channel partners * No physical location for consumers to shop * Considered a click and click company Target * Primary target audience has been large companies, education and government agencies * Secondary target is the consumer * Recent shift to larger focus on consumer market with the Dell Dude campaign Consumer psychographic targets emphasize workers, seekers, pioneers and surfers Differentiations * Internet only, click and click company * Focus on customer service from end to end * Built-to-order computer products rather than pre-packaged * Offers user empowerment in ordering product Dell Computers is an excellent example of a manufacturer that has successfully used the Internet to manage many of the channe l activities and it is difficult for any other company to achieve the establishment that Dell has achieved. Dell has resulted positive brand recognition by consistently building and servicing its low-cost, customized computers to customers. It fosters brand loyalty by continually providing superior customer service and technical support along with continuously incorporating the latest technology in its products. Dell has achieved market focus and competitive advantage by assembling purchased components from suppliers, thereby becoming one of the most successful companies in the global computer systems industry, as it must be noticed that in 2000 it was the No. 1 computer company in the United States and No. world-wide. Dells potential for continued growth is enormous and at the same time the possibility to erode is minimised, because of its capability of providing up-to-the-minute pc technology customized for and sold directly to individual customers. The internet as a marketing channel can become a very strong advantage for any company, although at the same time Dell has been able to buil d up a very strong competitive advantage for the company, something that makes it very difficult for any other company in the pc market to compete and attract customers from Dell.