Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Middle Eastern Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Middle Eastern Humanities - Essay Example The dancer’s primary task is to embody the different musical rhythms for the people hearing the music (audience). Most Middle Eastern music has an effect known as a â€Å"call and response†. This creates a musical conversation and happens when one instrument plays a certain phrase and one another instruments responds to the lead instrument phrase. This however, changes through the composition and the supporting instruments may at times play the leading phrases. Middle Eastern music is played in scales that are commonly referred to as â€Å"Maqamat†. The main idea of the maqam is that it helps the musician to know the right intervals between scales. It also helps the musician to know the notes that he/she needs to emphasize. Research has shown that about 84% of the population from Middle East listens to music at least once a day (Justice 76). Music plays an important role in entertainment in the Middle East. People listen to music as a form of passing time and entertaining themselves. Middle Eastern music is also educative. Musicians use music as a tool to make the society a better place and also educate people. Sometimes musicians go to the extent of using their personal experiences to educate people. Music is also a source of inspiration. Some types of music encourage people not to give up when they face challenges in life. Music also helps to make work easier or more pleasant. Lastly music is also used for spiritual nourishment. Sacred songs play a role in impressing spiritual truth among people in the Middle

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