Thursday, October 31, 2019

A managerial approach to marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

A managerial approach to marketing - Essay Example Competitive pressures to deliver specific products to meet consumer demand have changed the way the products move from the producer to the consumer. Any company has to adopt new marketing strategies in order for it to survive in the ever competing environment. The marketing landscape has shifted in that technological innovation, new channels, regulatory compliance, bottom-line accountability and rising customer expectations are altering the playing field. Marketing managers are unraveling these complexities in order to spearhead initiatives that capitalize on the customer-driven market place. It is important to place the customer at the core of strategic decision making hence marketing managers can better align marketing resources, spend, mix and technology investments. Strategy and technology can then coalesce to profitably meet customers’ needs, which enhance brand performance, increase customer value and position the enterprise for growth capability of outpacing competitors. This strategic brief addresses central issues on the minds of today’s marketing managers. As technology advances and consumers gain clout, traditional batch and blast marketing approaches designed to maximize new customer acquisition without regard for customer needs and long-term value will under perform. Launching marketing programs around new products for short-term revenue wins will not be enough to sustain returns and surpass competitors. Technological innovations are constantly altering the playing field. Analytic solutions are bringing new levels of customer intelligence, allowing marketers to understand individual customer needs. Optimization tools have increased marketing velocity and shortened cycle times. Consolidated, clean customer data stores can be matched with event-based campaign management tools to improve message accuracy, timeliness and relevancy. As technologies come to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Modern Germany in the span 1648 to the present day Term Paper

Modern Germany in the span 1648 to the present day - Term Paper Example Germany in dealing with its enemies to win a war makes them be the hammers as opposed to the Anvil. For example when France declares war in 1870, the Germans reluctantly places their army under the command of the Prussian King, this act is purely seen as a German cause (Heath pg. 78). After the victory of the war in sedan, Germany achieves unification and in November, the same year a deal is struck resulting into a single state under the Prussian leadership. In the arrangement, William I is extremely reluctant to accept the title of emperor of which Bismarck later convinces him and he proclaims the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles and his s the symbol of French power and Triumphalism. The occurrences of this period are just a form of strategy as later an added twist of the knife comes in when victory is imposed by Bismarck of the Prussian troops through the streets and Germany becomes the hammer once more (Taylor pg. 76-9). The ancient German Reich gets reconstituted into a modern, comp act, national form in which the Reichstag comes back as a form of parliament. A meeting is held in Berlin of all the delegates elected all over the new nation. The Reichstag at this stage is only a legislative body that command very little control over the executive arm of the government. this makes Bismarck be the executive himself more than ever before and by an extent qualifies him as the first imperial chancellor. He commands the whole of the German empire that consists of 4 kingdoms, 5 grand duchies, 13 duchies, principalities and other free cities. This period marks the unification of Germany into a nation of federal in nature and with a strong central control making the story of Prussia be that of Germany (Heath pg. 128). Concisely, this is he period in German History where the country experiences a rise in nationalism in the face of Napoleon’s Conquest. Thereafter, Germany became united under the auspice of Prussia where Australia is left out. The country prospers fur ther through the growth in agricultural sector and an end to serfdom; such developments are followed by a growth of industry and railroads (Taylor pg. 224). The next face in the history of Germany is the duration between 1890 and 1945, which begins by the signing of the Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty, which made Germany gain control of a strategic Island near its main seaports and gained agreement on its colonial holdings in Africa (Solsten pg. 59). This saw Germany turn its colony, Zanzibar to Britain. It is within the same period that the Rudolf Diesel engine is invented as well as the Kruger telegram sent. For the better part of he century after Bismarck’s fall, a political paralysis is realized in Germany as a result of the political system that he left in place. This is largely attributed to the lack of reforms that existed between the democratic Reichstag, the parliament of the new united Germany, which came in place through an election by universal suffrage, in the mix, is also the parliaments of the individual states (Heath pg. 223). Bernhard Von Bulow, the new Reich Chancellor announces the second proposal for a German fleet in which he expresses his belief on an expansionist German foreign policy. This is because he believed that political expansion was necessary for the sole reason of protecting Germany from other powers. He metaphorically uses, â€Å"the hammer and anvil, phrase as he speaks to his fellow citizens (Taylor pg. 72).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis Diabetes Mellitus on Complications with Data Mining

Analysis Diabetes Mellitus on Complications with Data Mining M. Mayilvaganan T.Sivaranjani Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is incredible growing and seems to be emerging as a main public health problem for our country.The prevalence of diabetes is rapidly increasing all over the world. Data mining provides more no of tools and techniques that can be applied to this processed data to discover hidden patterns. It is used to provide healthcare professionals an additional source of knowledge for making decisions. This research is analysis about diabetes prevalence, complications, and preventing from complications. Keywords— diabetes mellitus, data analysis, data mining, diabetes prevalence, complications INTRODUCTION: Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseasescaused by the lack of insulin in the body or inability to produce as normal. In contemporary world most of folk are distressed by diabetes, which affects a large population across the world. The prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and 4.4% in 2030. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030. The prevalence of diabetes is higher in men than women, but there are more women with diabetes than men. The urban population in developing countries is projected to double between 2000 and 2030[9]. TYPES OF DIABETES Type 1 diabetes This type of diabetes usually develops during childhood or teens and is characterized by a severe deficiency of insulin secretion resulting from atrophy of the islets of Langerhans and causing hyperglycemia and a marked tendency toward ketoacidosis—called alsoinsulin-dependent diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, juvenile diabetes, juvenile-onset diabetes, type 1 diabetes mellitus [6]. Type 2 diabetes It’s mostly distressed in adulthood and is exacerbated by obesity and an inactive lifestyle. This disease often has no symptoms, is usually diagnosed by tests that indicate glucose intolerance, and is treated with changes in diet and an exercise regularly [7]. Gestational diabetes Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy [8]. The definition applies whether insulin or only diet modification is used for treatment and whether or not the condition persists after pregnancy. It does not exclude the possibility that unrecognized glucose intolerance may have antedated or begun concomitantly with the pregnancy. Fig 1: Prevalence estimates of diabetes mellitus (DM), 2010 – South-East Asian Region To estimating the prevalence of diabetes for the years 2000, 2010 and 2030, data on case numbers and national prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance are presented in chart [10].The total populations of the regions and the populations aged from 20-79 years are shown in Figure 2. From the figure we clearly known Western Pacific Region, which includes China, and the South-East Asian Region, which has India as a member, have the greatest numbers of people [10]. Fig2: Top 5- Number of people with diabetes (20-79 age group), 2000, 2010 and 2030 Fig 3 Top 5-Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (20-79 age group), 2010 and 2030 COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES Skin Complications To be more consciousness for symptoms of skin infections and other skin disorders common in people with diabetes. Eye Complications Yearly or six months once keep regular check up; avoid risk of glaucoma, cataracts and other eye problems. Due to nation survey in India eye complication was rare. Neuropathy Nerve damage from diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy .The majority of people with diabetes have any one of type of nerve damage. Foot Complications The largest parts of diabetes patients have foot damages. Take care of our foot as much as like face. Before bed we have to clean and dry our foot. Through the regular excise and walking we can avoid this complication. Kidney Disease (Nephropathy) High BP and glucose is major cause this. Keep your diabetes and blood pressure under control to lesser the chance of getting kidney disease. High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is also called hypertension. It raises more complications like heart attack, stroke, eye problems, and kidney disease. Stroke Keep up blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol in good level. It to be reduces your risk of stroke. Most of the patients affected stroke by hypertension. DATA MINING TECHNIQUES In healthcare industry nowadays generates huge amounts of complex data about patients, hospitals resources, disease diagnosis, electronic patient records, and medical devices etc.These data are a key resource to be stored, processed and analyzed for knowledge extraction that enables to support for cost-savings and decision making. Data mining is the process of exploration and analysis, by automatic or semiautomatic means, of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules [11]. Data mining could be on the whole useful in medicine when there is no dispositive evidence favoring an exacting treatment option. Based on patients’ profile, history, physical inspection, diagnosis and utilizing previous treatment patterns, new treatment policy can be successfully recommended. Data mining is finding interesting structure (patterns, statistical models, relationships) in databases. [12]. Logistic regression models are used to compare hospital profiles and based on that risk-factors are analyses in data mining. Artificial neural networks are used in medical diagnosis. It produces a clinically relevant output based on sample database, and constructs the probability of a certain pathology or classification of biomedical objects. Due to the generous plasticity of input data, ANNs have verified useful in the analysis of blood and urine samples of diabetic patients [13]. Unsupervised learning engrosses identifying clusters and associations. Clusters are faction the analogous subtypes and make group. Using regression analysis, associate the following attributes as age, family history, increasing socio-economic status and decreasing physical activity and find high frequency of cause which type of diabetes distressed. No one can tell literally, which algorithm is best for any problem, because data sets from various data sources. To applying algorithm in training set and came to the solution, which is suite .data set be consists of missing values, noise, and outliers. Cleaning data from noise and outliers and handling missing values, and then finding the exact subset of data and prepares them for successful data mining. Missing values are filled up with the most familiar value and combinations of particular attribute-value pairs are significant within a dataset. DATA SET REPRESENTATION Collecting patient’s medical details based on that calculated BMI, body type, required calories, actual calories, complications, risk factors. The table 1 specified for risk analysis and table 2 for diagnosed complications. Some of the attributes of datasets are BMI, require weight, BMI index, working industry, eating habit, blood group, life style, and require calorie based on sex, family history,PCOS,HBA1c,Smoker, drinker, type of DM,dignosed age, symptoms, no of years, Gestational diabetes history, baby weight, order of baby, control DM,Fast food,BP,food intervals, intake limits. Table 1. Characteristics of risk analysis data set 2 3 4 2 2 7 2 1 22 1 4 3 1 3 1 2 0 Monitor the following attributes as high HBA1c, stationary, job, BP, Life style, disease caused after diabetes diagnosed, undiet, smoking, drinking habits regularly can avoid more complications. Table 2. Characteristics of complications data set 1 3 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 67 2 4 4 2 0 2 2 1 0 5 Conclusion India is top most country in prevalence of diabetes. Number of people with diabetes in our country in 2010 50.8 million and will be estimated 87.0 in 2030[10]. Diabetes complication fatality rates also raised and prevent these government or social organizations, health care’s must provide education or training focuses on self-care behaviors, such as healthy eating, being active, and monitoring blood sugar. Many of the steps necessitate to take to avert one of those complications may really help to prevent them all. This kind of education or training is a mutual process in which diabetes educators help people with or at risk for diabetes gain the knowledge. Data mining bring a set of tools, techniques and method that can be functional to this processed data to determine hidden patterns. Data mining algorithms are used to extract informative patterns from raw data. Physicians can identify effective treatments and best observation, and also patients receive improved and more affordable healthcare services. It is help to manage and monitor patients can have important utility in diabetes mellitus and analysis complicates. In the future, we plan to demonstrate the usefulness of this kind of study by measuring the extent to which data mining approaches empower clinical research and practice. References: [1]. Dandona, Lalit, et al. Population based assessment of diabetic retinopathy in an urban population in southern India.British journal of ophthalmology83.8 (1999): 937-940. [2]. Sanders, Reginald J., and M. Roy Wilson. Diabetes-related eye disorders.Journal of the National Medical Association85.2 (1993): 104. [3]. Gà ¤ckler, D., et al. [Diabetes and kidneys].Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946)138.18 (2013): 949-955. [4]. Berger, A. and Berger, C.R. â€Å"Data mining as a tool for research and knowledge development in nursing.†CINMay/June 2004. [5]. Stephens, S. and Tamayo, P. â€Å"Supervised and unsupervised data mining techniques for life sciences.†Curr Drug DiscJune 2003. [6]. Ewing, D. J., I. W. Campbell, and B. F. Clarke. The natural history of diabetic autonomic neuropathy.QJM49.1 (1980): 95-108. [7]. [8]. Metzger BE, Coustan DR (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Work-shop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.Diabetes Care21 (Suppl. 2):B1–B167,1998 [9]. Wild, Sarah, et al. Global prevalence of diabetes estimates for the year 2000 and projections for 2030.Diabetes care27.5 (2004): 1047-1053. [10]. Sicree, Richard, et al. The global burden.Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute(2010). [11]. Berry, Michael JA, and Gordon Linoff. Data Mining Techniques . J. (2004). [12]. Bradley, Paul S., Usama M. Fayyad, and Olvi L. Mangasarian. Mathematical programming for data mining: formulations and challenges.INFORMS Journal on Computing11.3 (1999): 217-238. [13]. Amato, Filippo, et al. Artificial neural networks in medical diagnosis.Journal of Applied Biomedicine11.2 (2013): 47-58. [13]. Data Mining Technologies for Blood Glucose and Diabetes Management 603 , Riccardo Bellazzi, Ph.D.,and Ameen Abu-Hanna, Ph.D. [14]. [15]. Application of data mining: Diabetes health care in young and old patients Abdullah A. Aljumah, Mohammed Gulam Ahamad, Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui [16]. An Analysis of Diabetes Risk Factors Using Data Mining Approach Akkarapol Sangasoongsong and Jongsawas Chongwatpol Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA [17]. The need for obtaining accurate nationwide estimates of diabetes prevalence in India Rationale for a national study on diabetes R.M. Anjana, M.K. Ali*, R. Pradeepa, M. Deepa, M. Datta, R. Unnikrishnan, M. Rema V. Mohan [18]. Am I at risk for type 2 diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes [19].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Alzheimer’s Disease: The Importance of Public Awareness Essay -- Alzhei

Imagine greeting your grandmother and being met with a blank stare. Think about how it would feel to watch as your father forgets how to drive or dress himself. Picture your own mother crying out for her long dead parents and siblings. Try to envision the look on a loved one’s face as you tell them that they can no longer live at home alone. Now put yourself in their place-- slowly losing your freedom, your memory, and your very identity. Welcome to the world of Alzheimer’s disease. This is the reality that nearly fifteen million caregivers and over five million patients must face every day. Public awareness must be raised about Alzheimer’s disease and the people it affects. Alzheimer’s disease was discovered in 1906 by German physician Alois Alzheimer. While studying the biopsy of the brain of a fifty-five year old woman who had suffered some type of severe dementia, he noticed some aberrations in her brain structure. The brain appeared shrunken, with enlarged crevasses in the gray matter. Over a century later, we now know that Alzheimer’s is caused by a mixture of chemical and cellular brain abnormalities and the breaking down of cells in the mind. Most of the defects occur in the cerebral cortex, which is the outer gray matter of the brain and the center of most human-like brain functions like memory, language, and thought. About ten percent of the nerves in the cerebral cortex die as the disease progresses, causing the person to lose previously created synapses (connections between nerve cells). Neurofibrillary tangles, which are abnormally twisted and knotted strands within nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, also contribute to the cognitive impairment. Nerve cells in the brain lose the ability to create vita... ... a disorder that plays a huge role in the United States, and one that needs to be recognized. Public awareness of Alzheimer’s will stimulate research to increase, more support to be made available to those directly affected, financial solutions to be found, and an overall increase in understanding and compassion. By informing people about Alzheimer’s and its consequences, we can truly begin to battle this devastating disease. â€Æ' Works Cited Alzheimer's Association. 2011 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures. Annual Report, Washington: Alzheimer's Association, 2011. August, Paul Nordstrom. Brain Function. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. Check, William A. Alzheimer's Disease. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. Harmon, Dan. Life Out of Focus; Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

AP US History †Factors of the Immigration Act of 1924 Essay

Although the Immigration Act of 1924 was mainly the unfortunate result of discriminatory racial theories of nativism and antiforeignism, other factors influenced also Congress to pass the restrictive act, including the rising Red Scare and the spread of the new Ku Klux Klan. The largest factor in the Congressional passing of the Immigration Act of 1920 was the fundamental American belief that native Americans were superior to foreigners, including the 800,000 immigrants who flooded the country in 1920-1921. About two-thirds of them were from southern and eastern Europe. The one-hundred-percent Americans, recoiling at the sight of this resumed New Immigration, were disgusted at the influx of sickly Europeans. Senator Ellison D. Smith expressed his nativist concerns in his 1924 Congressional Record by stating, I think we now have sufficient population in our country for us to shut the door and to breed up a pure, unadulterated [Anglo-Saxon] American citizenship It is for the preservation of that splendid stock that I would make this not an asylum for the oppressed of all countries. Congress temporarily plugged the breach with the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, which restricted European immigration in any given year to a definite quota of 3 percent of the people of their nationality who had been living in the United States in 1910. However, this national-origins system was relatively favorable to the immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, for by 1910 immense numbers of them had already arrived. According to the United States Bureau of the Census, southern and eastern European immigration reached 1,250,000 in 1905 and a considerable 700,000 in 1910. Thus, the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 was replaced by the Immigration Act of 1924. The United States Bureau of Immigration explained in its Annual Report of the Commission-General Immigration of 1924 that the number of each nationality who may be admitted annually is limited to 2 percent of the population of such nationality resident in the United States according to the census of 1890 (when comparatively few southern Europeans had arrived). Southern Europeans bitterly denounced the device as unfair and discriminatory, but their complaints were drowned out by the triumphant cheers of the nativists who believed that blue-eyed and fair-haired northern Europeans were of better blood. The purpose was clearly to freeze Americas existing racial composition, which was largely northern European. A flagrant discriminatory section of the Immigration Act of 1924 slammed the door absolutely against Japanese immigrants. Henry P. Fairchild explained in Immigration that the new immigrants come because they believe that the wage which they can receive in America can establish a higher standard than the one to which they have been accustomed and this wage for which they are willing to sell their labor is in general appreciably below that which the native American workman requires to support his standard which means that the American workman is continually underbid in the labor market by vast numbers of alien laborers. So antiforeign were the Americans that they virtually hung a No Vacancy sign on the Statue of Liberty, claiming that the nation was filling up. Antiforeignism grew to an unparalleled height when the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 spawned a tiny Communist party in America. Tensions were heightened by an epidemic of strikes that convulsed the Republic at wars end; upstanding Americans jumped to the conclusion that labor troubles were fomented by bomb-and-whisker Bolsheviks from red Russia. A general strike in Seattle in 1919, though modest in its demands and orderly in its methods, prompted a call from the mayor for federal troops to head off the anarchy of Russia. In the same year, the Philadelphia Enquirer printed a political cartoon depicting an evil-looking bearded man wielding a large sword labeled BOLSHEVISM and a flaming torch labeled ANARCHY, burning the United States flag. Apparently, the evil Bolsheviks posed an immediate danger against the very core of Americas beliefs. Threatened by the Red Scare, evangelist Billy Sunday described a Bolshevik as a guy with a face like a porcupine and a breath that would scare a pole cat and stated that he would fill the jails so full of them that their feet would stick out the window. The American Legion, superpatriotic voice of veterans, even joined the anti-Bolshevik chorus by zealously attacking political leftists in the United States as enemy reds. In 1924 Mr. Moran Keaton sent a telegram to Honorable John E. Raker expressing his 100 percent [support] in your fight to make this coast a white mans country. Naturally,  the American Legion was listed as an organization in favor of the bill to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States in the 1924 Congressional Record; other groups included Native Sons of the Golden West and the Patriotic Order of the Sons of America. A 1920 editorial from The Saturday Evening Post stated that [Americans] see the negro problem; but they cannot grasp the Russian problem. They do not understand that many of these alien peoples are temperamentally and racially unfitted for easy assimilation. It seemed that fear was fueling the close-mindedness of a large section of America. Unfortunately, the inflamed antiredism and antiforeignism translated into a bigoted aversion to immigrants, contributing significantly to the passing of the Immigration Act of 1924. Spawned by the postwar reaction, a new Ku Klux Klan mushroomed fearsomely in the early 1920s. Spreading anti-foreign, anti-Catholic, anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-pacifist, anti-Communist, anti-internationalist, pro-Anglo-Saxon, pro-native American, and pro-Protestant sentiments, the Klan led an extreme, ultraconservative uprising against many of the forces of diversity and modernity that were transforming American culture. The KKK spread with astonishing rapidity, especially in the Midwest and the Bible Belt South, wielding potent political influence and an attachment of nearly 5 million dues-paying members. As Hiram W. Evans explained in The Klans Fight for Americanism from The North American Review, we are intolerant of everything that strikes at the foundations of our race, our country or our freedom of worship. Evans felt threatened by any attempt to use the privileges and opportunities which aliens hold only as through our generosity as levers to force us to change our civilization. The Klan was indeed an alarming manifestation of the intolerance and prejudice plaguing people anxious about the dizzying pace of social change in the 1920s; the last thing they wanted was unrestricted immigration. The Ku Klux Klans spread did not reach the North and the East as much as it reached the Midwest and South, as revealed in the 1924 Congressional Record. Of the sixty-two members of the House of Representatives who voted nay on the Immigration Act of 1924, only one was from the South (W. Turner Logan from South Carolina). American sectionalism unsurprisingly showed its patchy  face; the North has usually been more morally superior and tolerating of different cultures, so naturally the North would vote against an anti-immigration act. The fear of Communists and the degradation of one-hundred-percent Americans far outweighed the desire to be hospitable. The passing of the Immigration Act of 1924 demonstrated that the Red Scare, combined with nativism, could produce barefaced bigotry. Ironically, the Americans attempt to preserve their splendid stock resulted in the blatant violation of the fundamental American principle of welcoming foreigners. Genuinely frightened for their livelihood, the American people switched into survival mode and tried to save themselves with little disregard for the immigrants, whose welfare was not a priority. The poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty may be etched in stone, but even such prominent idealism becomes trivial when Americans feel that their well-being is at risk. Sources: * The American Pageant Textbook* 1973 DBQ

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My English study

Conclusion Notes References Acknowledgement [Abstract] it is acknowledged that people have always been attaching much significance to the English study on account of the globalization trend of the world to the importance of language communication. Although many people are learning English, it does not mean that every person is certain to have good command of English. I'm no exception too. This paper is concerned about my English study in three stages?in middle school, in high school and at the university.Meanwhile, this paper also gives detailed discussions about the factors: English pronunciation, Autonomous learning ability, English learning motivations and the influence of personal attitudes towards English study. Key Words] Pronunciation; Autonomous learning; Learning motivations; Personal attitudes Economical and technological advances have tremendous impact on our ways of communication. Moreover, the globalization trend of the world also indicates the importance of language com munication.Therefore, English, as a widely used foreign language, has been always meeting with great popularity. However, it is notable that not every person is doomed to have good command of English. I'm no exception too. I have gone through three stages in the process of English study, which are filled with airdrops and happiness actually. It is acknowledged that English pronunciation is essential for every English learner who expects to have a good command of English. However, it is by no means easy.Pronunciation is closely related to the study of vocabulary, listening and so on. To correctly command English phonetic symbols, a learner must not only precisely grasp the articulation of a word and Judge its meanings, but also memorize new words flexibly. The former situation was that not only many students but the teachers themselves in middle school were not truly showing solicitude for the phonetic ours. When I was in middle school, I could remember being taught the phonetics onl y once. Later on, I had to learn by myself.Therefore, it has been no easy Job for me to clearly make distinction between English and Chinese in the Phonemic and phonological pronunciation. Besides, I do not completely correct my English pronunciation until now. 1. 1. 1 Phonemic and phonological distinction between English and Chinese Wan Shining (2004) argues the Chinese belongs to the oriented phylum, whereas English is an occidental one, and that the two languages share many similarities as ell as large divergences both phonemically and phonologically; their Phonetic system are distinct from each other mainly following by three aspects: (1) absolutely.The vowels and consonants in English differentiate from the tones (shunned) and the finals (yummy) in Chinese to a large extent even if they seem to be similar with their counterparts in pronunciation. (2) The ways of distinguishing meanings. Chinese distinguishes by tones, thus labeled as â€Å"tonal language†,@while English distinguishes meaning by the intonations of a sentence. Therefore, it named s â€Å"language with intonation† (3) Phonemic structure. The phonemes, which are restricted in the latter, are able t be combined freely in the former. Take spelling rules of the consonant for example.In English, [f] and [h] can be spelled together with which is not allowed in Chinese. Besides, all the consonants in English can come at the end of a syllable, while in Chinese only [n] and [Eng] are permitted. These differences cause great difficulties for the Chinese students in their acquisition of English pronunciation. Another difficulty for them is that the two languages differ in rhythms as well. Each possesses its characteristics on applying on tone or place of stress to distinguish the word's meaning, and on the conveying a speaker tone or attitudes by means of various intonations. 1] @ Besides, there exist any other difficulties. 1. 1. 2 The transfer of mother tongue Chin Ling holds that the i nfluence of the mother tongue on the foreign language learning is mainly illustrated on the course of â€Å"transfer† between external and internal languages. External language refers too language which a person utters in his daily talks, while the internal language refers to a language which a person utilizes when thinking with his brain instead of speaking it out. Both languages serve as materials, basis as well as tools for thinking activity.A person is used applying his mother tongue or native dialect as his internal language at the beginning of learning a foreign language. Nevertheless, he may be forced to use external language that is understandable for both interlocutors in real communications. As a result, a problem arises in that external language is different from internal language. Consequently, the differences will produce the â€Å"negative transfer†. @The greater the preference is, the greater the difficulty is. [2] Totally speaking, I was tired of Englis h study in view of these difficulties during that time. 1. 2 Difficulties of inaccurate memory of English vocabulary.As we all know, vocabulary is vital for Chinese English learner, especially for the middle school students. Because only in this stage can we have a specific idea of the English. When I was in middle school, my English teacher would teach students many vocabularies every single day that we could not memory in one night. Gradually, I ran into many difficulties in English study. Recently, I read a paper with respect to the study of vocabulary learning in middle school. The author said,† The appearance of such difficulties is because the burden of English learning, the compulsory learning mode and the lacking of vocabulary learning strategies. [3]Len order to verify his assumptions, the author did experiment among the students in are divided into two classes. They are comparative class and experimental class. During the experiment, they used the old and direct voca bulary teaching mode in the former and the associative vocabulary teaching in the latter. Finally, the date shows hat after 12-week training in vocabulary learning strategy, the students of the experimental class improved their vocabulary learning ability, which is higher than that in the comparative class.The survey showed that if the students who are to meet the requirement of teacher and confine the vocabulary memory to the word lists, are proved to be less active. By comparing my English study in middle school, I thought those phenomena are also occurred on me. 2. The second acquaintance with English in high school?enthusiasm of English study Fortunately, these obstacles had not accompanied me into high school. I met excellent teachers, then grasped the method of English learning and finally set a goal for me. 2. 1 The improvement of English autonomous learning ability English teaching is not simply to teach students knowledge.The most important thing is to develop their autonom ous learning ability through teaching activities. My English teacher gave me a lot of help. Her guidance in the process of my English study aroused my great interest in English. My English teacher tried to progress from traditional teacher-centered teaching to the student-centered method. She liked to cultivate our independent learning ability. She inspired us to interact with her, proposed to audaciously ask questions and let us to do English presentations in open forms. Thanks to my dear English teacher, I regained the enthusiasm about English learning.Admittedly, it is essential for the students to have teacher's innovative guideline. The American psychologist Moscow believes that this is the best way to encourage students to express their opinion and foster their enthusiasm to learn the knowledge and build the formation of healthy personality by establishing the sincere mutual understanding teacher-student relationship. The reason for why I could become enthusiastic about Englis h study was not only owing to my teacher's help, but also the changing of my English learning method.The reason for why I could improve my English is as follows: Firstly, grasp teacher's lecture feature and the characteristics of the various disciplines. Secondly, review and prepare for new knowledge. Thirdly, interact with teacher in class. Gradually, I found that my English scored higher than the previous. Until now, I am deeply aware of the importance of independent learning. As a Chinese saying goes, â€Å"give man a sis, he will have a meal; teach him to fish, he will have the food all his life. † focuses on students' subjectivity and initiative in order to make students how to study and achieve life-long learning and development.And it is not the one side of my story. It has already been studied by others. The concept of â€Å"autonomous learning† (Holes) ($) originated in the asses. He expresses, â€Å"English as a conceptual tool which further developed its de finition. † [4] Benson and Evolve believe, â€Å"autonomous learning is not only the freedom of learning, but a good opportunity to form independent thinking ability as adult. [5] Little believes that the essence of the â€Å"autonomous learning† is a kind of ability such as â€Å"independent, critical reflection and decision-making. [6] Learners need to arouse their awareness of what to learn and how to learn. Also American futurist Alvin-Toffee once said,† The illiteracy in the future is not the one who don't know the word, but the one who do not know how to learn. † In addition to the previous factors, learning motivation is proved to be the essential factor. Motivation is the prime power of all activities. In the process of learning, many psychological factors can convert into the inner motivation, including interest, values and so on. As Www [email  protected] in his A Review of research on foreign language Learner's motivation. [email  protected] Arouse appropriate learning deeds, it can make students go into learning state and learn English initiative. † [7] I can not agree with his idea any more. When I was in high school, I still remembered that even a little achievement could take me great motivation. And this motivation accompanied me to go to university. 3. The third acquaintance with English at the university?passiveness of English After I come into university, I find that I become less positive towards English earning than ever before.And the reasons are as follows: A study of engineering students in Yemen by Taft AY-Tamil Candy Minor Squib cited previous research that found two classes of motivation for learning English: instrumental and integrative orientation. A person, who learns the language in hopes of gaining some tangible benefit, such as success in a Job or fulfilling an academic requirement, is instrumentally motivated. A person with integrative motivation learns English because he or she wishes to l earn more about the culture of the Western world or become more integrated into English-speaking society. ] And I belong to the former. I learn the English in order to regard it as a tool for my future occupation. 3. 1 Personal attitudes towards English study determined by his attitudes towards the other group in particular and by his orientation towards the learning task itself. And I totally agree with it. † [9] A positive attitude toward learning the English language is one of the leading predictors of success in gaining fluency. However, as mentioned above, I am not truly love English, but regard it as a tool of getting a Job. During this stage, my English study doe not make much progress.In the above paragraphs, I have made detailed explanation about my three stages of English study. From this paper, people can see that if one wants to get a good command of English, he must perfectly grasp these aspects: have a series of learning methods, take positive attitude toward Eng lish (namely the understanding of autonomous English learning) and pay particular attention to the pronunciation of English. Besides, the external factors are also of great importance such as the teacher's teaching methods, the environment that people are situated in and so on. As for me, my English study does not do a good Job.No matter what stage do you belong to, I believe that this paper can be beneficial to your English study. Serve to distinguish one utterance from another in a language or dialect. @Tonal language: A tonal language is a language in which pitch is used as a part of speech, changing the meaning of a word. An example of how tone can change the meaning of a word can be found in English: the word â€Å"present† can be used as a verb or a noun, with a stress on the first or second syllable changing the meaning. In tonal languages, the way in which you say a word is very important, as it radically hinges the meaning.Tonal languages are found primarily in Asia, Africa, and South America. @alienation: Intonation is a word used to refer to how a sentence sounds. How a sentence sounds if it's a question sounds different from how a sentence sounds if it's a statement @Negative transfer: Negative transfer is a situation where a person transfers old learning and knowledge to a new situation, and the old information interferes with new information acquisition and task performance. This can be inconvenient or dangerous, depending on the type of situation involved.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Battle of Poitiers in the Hundred Years War

Battle of Poitiers in the Hundred Years War Battle of Poitiers - Conflict: The Battle of Poitiers occurred during the Hundred Years War (1137-1453). Battle of Poitiers - Date: The Black Princes victory took place on September 19, 1356. Commanders Armies: England Edward, Prince of Wales, a.k.a. The Black PrinceJean de Grailly, Captal de Buchapproximately 6,000 men France King John IIDuke de Orleansapproximately 20,000 men Battle of Poitiers - Background: In August 1356, Edward, Prince of Wales, better known as the Black Prince, began a large scale raid into France from his base in Aquitaine. Moving north, he conducted a scorched earth campaign as he sought to ease pressure on English garrisons in northern and central France. Advancing to the Loire River at Tours, his raid was stopped by an inability to take to the city and its castle. Delaying, Edward soon had word that the French king, John II, had disengaged from operations against the Duke of Lancaster in Normandy and was marching south to destroy the English forces around Tours. Battle of Poitiers - The Black Prince Makes a Stand: Outnumbered, Edward began retreating back towards his base at Bordeaux. Marching hard, King John IIs forces were able to overtake Edward on September 18 near Poitiers. Turning, Edward formed his army into three divisions, led by the Earl of Warwick, the Earl of Salisbury, and himself. Pushing Warwick and Salisbury forward, Edward placed his archers on the flanks and retained his division and an elite cavalry unit, under Jean de Grailly, as the reserve. To protect his position, Edward arrayed his men behind a low hedge, with marsh to left and his wagons (formed as a barricade) to the right. Battle of Poitiers - The Longbow Prevails: On September 19, King John II moved to attack Edwards forces. Forming his men into four battles, led by Baron Clermont, Dauphin Charles, the Duke of Orleans, and himself, John ordered an advance. The first to move forward was Clermonts force of elite knights and mercenaries. Charging toward Edwards lines, Clermonts knights were cut down by a shower of English arrows. The next to attack were the Dauphins men. Advancing forward, they were constantly harried by Edwards archers. As they neared, the English men-at-arms attacked, nearly encircling the French and forcing them to retreat. As the Dauphins broken forces retreated they collided with the Duke of Orleans battle. In the resulting chaos, both divisions fell back on the king. Believing the fight to be over, Edward ordered his knights to mount to pursue the French and dispatched Jean de Graillys force to attack the French right flank. As Edwards preparations were nearing completion, King John approached the English position with his battle. Moving out from behind the hedge, Edward attacked Johns men. Firing into the French ranks, the archers expended their arrows and then picked up weapons to join the fight. Edwards assault was soon supported by de Graillys force riding in from the right. This attack broke the French ranks, causing them to flee. As the French fell back, King John II was captured by English troops and turned over to Edward. With the battle won, Edwards men began tending to the wounded and pillaging the French camps. Battle of Poitiers - Aftermath Impact: In his report to his father, King Edward III, Edward stated that his casualties were only 40 killed. While this number was probably higher, English casualties in the fighting were minimal. On the French side, King John II and his son Philip were captured as were 17 lords, 13 counts, and five viscounts. In addition, the French suffered approximately 2,500 dead and wounded, as well as 2,000 captured. As a result of the battle, England demanded an exorbitant ransom for the king, which France refused to pay. The battle also showed that superior English tactics could overcome greater French numbers. Selected Sources: The Battle of PoitiersBritish Battles: Battles of Poitiers History of War: Battle of Poitiers

Monday, October 21, 2019

Childs Bath essays

Childs Bath essays The first painting I chose at the museum was an oil painting on canvas. It depicted a women and child in a very informal setting. The woman was tenderly holding a small child on her lap, while bathing her. I was drawn to the piece from across the room, by the soft, glowing toddler. The child was clothed only in a small white towel and her ivory skin seemed to glow against a muted background and it wasnt until I was very close to the painting that I even realized that there was another form in the composition. As I studied the painting further my eyes were drawn in the direction of the eyes of the two figures and it was then that I noticed the strong lines of the womans hands. They were a little out of proportion for a woman; they had an almost masculine quality. Yet against the soft rounded lines of the childs thigh there was a tenderness that was almost palatable. After reading the plaque next to this painting I learned that this artist used more masculine hands on all of her paintings of women and children to emphasize them. I think that it not only accomplishes that but the contrast between the strong lines and soft flowing lines leads to a feeling of stability. The combination of the muted colors, strong solid lines of the mothers hands, and the soft organic lines of the child all lead to a very peaceful, moving, tender portrayal of a mother and child. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Grammar Tips An Overview of Grammatical Mood

Grammar Tips An Overview of Grammatical Mood Grammar Tips: An Overview of Grammatical Mood In humans, a mood is a feeling or an emotional state. If you’re in a good mood, for example, you’re feeling happy. But a grammatical mood is something else. So to help explain what a grammatical mood is, let’s look at the indicative, imperative, conditional, and subjunctive moods. What Is Grammatical Mood? Grammatical mood refers to how a sentence is constructed to reflect what we’re trying to do. Asking a question, for example, is different to giving a command. Consequently, we use slightly different sentences to do different things. And every sentence has a mood accordingly. Some sentences also have the Moody Blues, but thats a different issue.(Photo: Nationaal Archief/wikimedia) Strictly speaking, you dont need to know which mood you are using at all times to write effectively. And the lines between grammatical moods are sometimes blurred in English, which can be confusing.* But understanding the basics of mood can help you avoid errors in your writing, so we suggest checking out our guide to the basics below. The Indicative Mood We use the indicative mood whenever we express an opinion, make a factual statement or ask a question. For example: I love sleeping. He is going to bed. Has she gone to bed yet? The indicative mood is thus the most common grammatical mood by far, covering most statements. Depending on who you ask, though, questions can be classed separately as being in the interrogative mood. The Imperative Mood A command or a request is an example of the imperative mood: Please go to bed. You need to go to bed now! Sentences like this can be very short because, as in the first sentence above, the person being asked or told to do something is often left out. The Conditional Mood Conditional sentences typically use the modal verbs â€Å"could,† â€Å"might,† â€Å"should,† or â€Å"would.† This is because they express something that is uncertain or depends on something else. For instance: He could to go to bed if he wanted to. The sentence above is conditional because it refers to an outcome (i.e., going to bed) that depends on something else (i.e., wanting to go to bed). In other words, one part of the sentence is conditional on another part. The Subjunctive Mood The subjunctive mood concerns hypotheticals, such as wishes or suggestions. Typically, they are also â€Å"if† statements, such as: If I were tired, I would go to bed. Here, for example, the speaker is not tired. As such, the possibility of going to bed is only raised hypothetically, not as a likely course of action, so the sentence is in the subjunctive mood. This is distinct from the conditional example above, where going to bed is a concrete possibility. One common error related to the subjunctive mood is mixing up â€Å"were† and â€Å"was.† The confusion here is rooted in their past tense uses, where â€Å"was† is singular and â€Å"were† is plural. In the subjunctive mood, however, â€Å"were† can be both singular and plural. For instance: If I were him, I would go to bed. âÅ"“ Were we to go to bed now, we would sleep soundly. âÅ"“ If I was less busy, I would sleep more. âÅ"â€" Although a fairly minor error, it’s worth looking out for this in your work. And if you need a little more help telling your subjunctives from your conditionals at any point, don’t forget that we’re always available to proofread your documents, which includes a full grammar check. * If you have more than two grammarians in a room, at least one will insist there is no such thing as the conditional mood in English. And this can quickly descend into name-calling. Overall, though, we find it easy to ignore this for our day-to-day writing and proofreading needs.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Judgement analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Judgement analysis paper - Essay Example The key message of the book is that leaders are basically assessed by the quality of judgment they make throughout their occupation. It is always thought that judgment is something that cannot be learnt rather it is advocated to evolve over time. However, Tichy and Bennis have found method to assist leaders to improve their capability to make effective judgment. They also have articulated leadership judgment as a simple and understandable procedure. Leaders at every organizational level make judgment regarding employees, strategy and crisis situation. Tichy and Bennis demonstrated the type of knowledge required in order to make successful decision and how leaders can effectively use such knowledge in order to execute the judgments (Tichy and Bennis 1-285). In the first chapter, the authors proclaimed that effective leaders not only make better decisions but they are also capable of making the appropriate judgment. Effective leaders are those who are better at entire judgment procedure that starts from observing the requirement for an appeal of judgment, to framing the organizational issues, to figuring out the serious ones and to organizing as well as stimulating the teams towards accomplishing the organizational goal. Tichy and Bennis in their book have stated that there is a framework containing three crucial areas within which every judgment are made. Among various other judgments, the decision regarding people are most critical than decisions taken regarding strategy or on any crisis situation. The authors stated that effective judgment is a procedure rather than an event. Every judgment starts when a leader identify the requirement of taking decision and frame them accordingly. The procedures of making judgment continue through e xecution and alteration phases. The authors also stressed the significance of acquiring sufficient

Friday, October 18, 2019

Governance of international football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Governance of international football - Essay Example To logically comprehend the gist of the topic, it is mandatory to understand the concept of governance, a word quite in vogue in the contemporary world. One of the reasons behind the adoption of governance through different fields like international relations, politics and sports is because of the space of authority and need of monitory force in every aspect of human life. Stated differently, no field in the scene of human existence is devoid of the need for controlling and managing forces. The concept of governance has gone through a constant phase of transition through the passage of time. Previously reckoned as the responsibility of a solitary authoritative body, governance today stands for a collaborative work of local authorities, public departments and voluntary organizations. This changing concept of governance is based on the notion of governance as a steering force which means that the responsibilities of governing bodies keep changing and the modern way of governing is by the delegation of responsibilities rather than the concentration of the duties in a single authoritative body. The second approach of governance that focuses governance as networks also opposes the concentration of power to a single entity and favours the positive relationships among organizations (Heacademy: 2007). Governance of Sports: Background: The emergence of governance concept in sports is followed by a number of factors. It was necessarily because of certain flaws witnessed in the governance of sports at different times that led to the attention drawn towards increasing importance of governance of international sports including football. Some of the noticeable flaws of governance in past include the continued confusion is coming up to any decision for the redevelopment of Wembley Stadium. Similarly, the world of football is not devoid of such shortcomings of governing bodies in the recent past as it is clear by the failed bid for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals (Heacademy: 2007, p.2) Introduction to Governance of Sports: Aart Kraay elucidates the concept of governance in different scenarios. If applied to the world of sports, governance means the set up by which the authority in any sport is exercised. The process involves the recruitment and monitoring of governing bodies, ability of the authority to implement the policies made for the concerned sport and the respect of members from different countries participating in the sport (2006, p.1). Since the world of sports is wide ranged, different organizational bodies assigned to different sports are designed to govern a specific sport or group of sports. FIFA and UEFA: Since the topic delves into the workings of FIFA and UEFA in terms of governance, it is essential to build a basic

Discuss ideologies using a marxist approach Essay

Discuss ideologies using a marxist approach - Essay Example This is because the economy and its indices play very important roles in determining who we are. Modern socialism is, in its content, primarily the product of the perception on the one hand of the class antagonisms existing in modem society between possessors and non-possessors, wage workers and bourgeois; and, on the other hand, of the anarchy ruling in production. In its theoretical form, however, it originally appears as a further and ostensibly more logical extension of the principles established by the great French philosophers of the eighteenth century. Like every new theory, it had at first to link itself to the intellectual material which lay ready at hand, however deep its roots lay in economic facts. Engels 185 Marxism principally has to with the modes of production in any society. Marxism recognizes that there are two main social classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The division can be further divided into petit-bourgeoisie and the lumpen-proletariat. The mode of production which Marxists advocate is socialism. Socialism is a system of production in which everyone in the society is equal; in this society, every form of inequality as a result of ownership and control of the mode of production by individuals is not welcome. Unlike what obtains in a capitalist state, the majority will no longer toil only for the non-working upper class to reap the fruit of their labor. However, Marxists believe that the transformation from capitalism will not happen all of a sudden. The change will go through some evolutionary and revolutionary stage. The change which the people desire would only come when they arrive at that point where they determine that they want it bad enough to ask for it—this is the time the proletariat have been pushed to the wall. Marxists believe that capitalism will not exist forever because before it, there were some other modes of production like feudalism and slavery. When the proletariats have taken the reins of power from their oppressors, then socialism will emerge. Socialism is the stage where the masses have been able to remove class stratification. Yet, socialism is itself not perfect until the mode of production become communist. The bottom-line is that no matter what the ideology is, the Marxist approach is against it if it promotes social inequality. In trying to come out as conquerors in the battle waged against capitalism and other holders of ideologies that are incoherent with what Marxism stands for, Marxists are well aware of the fact that one of the first places key to their victory is the minds of the oppressed. In daily living, our consciousness plays a very integral role. Every human being makes use of their consciousness in everything they do. Capitalism has succeeded, through bourgeois ideology, in capturing the operations of the consciousness of many people such that they themselves are now the ones that have given themselves to the dictates of capitalism. All these happen because anything that happens under capitalism is built under the construct of ideology. It is the belief of capitalists that profit must be made at all cost. So, they explore all they can; every machine, every human power. The situation in many capitalist enterprises is such that the laborer is far less important than the machine. Capitalism

Renewable Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Renewable Energy - Essay Example le published in How to Power the World, â€Å"the waste products of nuclear power contain â€Å"high levels of radioactive (materials which) is very dangerous. It lasts for tens of thousands of years before decaying to safe levels. It is highly radioactive and is probably the biggest hurdle we face if nuclear power is going to be taken seriously† (How to Power the World 2010). Nuclear energy has great potentials to augment sources of energy in the future. It use, however, should be further evaluated in terms its long term effect to the environment and the risks it poses to the existence of mankind. Another article entitled An Ocean Breeze: Mapping Brazil’s Offshore Wind Power Potential written by Riebeek (2009) proffered his experience on â€Å"assessing the feasibility of an offshore wind farm southeast of Brazil† (Riebeek, 2009, par. 1). His project entailed measuring wind speeds using Nasa’s QuikScat. The limitations of using this approach coupled with other challenges including the number of turbines that must be built in their projected location showed that although this source of renewable energy is viable in Brazil, there are other factors that need to be seriously evaluated prior to its implementation. The high investment cost proved to be a barrier for implementation as private or public organizations need to examine if the returns on investment would justify the initial funds needed to support and sustain this energy source. among all of its potential applications, hydrogens only waste or byproduct is H 2 O pure water, hydrogen fueled combustion engines actually clean the air they pass through (Alternative Energy, n.d., par. 3) it is costly to produce, dangerous to store, difficult to transport, tricky to distribute and its volumetric energy intensity is much lower than that of other liquid fuels like ethanol or gasoline. Safety would be another problem and it would be an enormous job, and would take many years, to accomplish the logistics and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Yamamoto Recording Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Yamamoto Recording Media - Essay Example Under the manufacturing department, capacity constraint combined with scheduled preventive maintenance and other unforeseen factors such as the absence of necessary raw materials can make the production department unable to meet its target schedule (Collins 7). Lack of support from manufacturing staff can also make it impossible for Fazer to meet his plan of cutting down the order-to-delivery cycle (9). With regards to its distribution network, shipping the final product to Yamato Logistics Europe (YLE) for warehousing and dispatching purposes can only add unnecessary expenses to the company. Therefore, YLE staff should be supportive of Fazan’s plan to change its role from warehousing and dispatching to a more responsive logistics and distribution hub in Europe (Collins 10). As a common business practice, the NSC department was made responsible in getting orders directly from customers or retailers which then will be submitted to P/S department for order scheduling and forecast (Collins 7, 9). Because of added work load, NSC staff has been skeptical to change the ordering plan from monthly period to weekly basis (9). On the other hand, unreliable demand forecast coming from the P/S department can also trigger some problems in the company’s inventory level and the company’s ability to fill the market demand (7). In product life cycle, manufacturing companies such as the case of Yamamoto should avoid products that are obsolete because of high levels of inventory.

Financial viability within a health care organization Essay

Financial viability within a health care organization - Essay Example On the other hand, finance deals with concepts, methods, and principles of managing the relevant accounting data for the purposes of attaining certain goals for the business or any given organization (Wiedemann, 2009). Finance involves an aspect of management precisely because it anchors on decision making using available information. Generally, the process of financial management involves the determination of a range of factors that determine the performance of a business or organization. Alternative definitions have explained the difference between accounting and finance by terming finance as a decision science, which relies on the rational methods and means supplied by accounting to arrive at informed decisions, which appertain to the performance of an organization (Wiedemann, 2009). Some theorists have extended this definition to infer that accounting is subordinate to financial management to the extent that it supplies the raw data on which it builds its synthesis. However, experts emphasize on the complementary relationship between the two fields with clear demarcations of areas of specialization. Finance is largely used within the ranks of management although it applies to all levels that have particular interest in financial predictions, budgeting, risk analyses, performance projections, and many other attributes the determine the daily running of businesses and non-profit organizations. The multiple natures of application of the theories and principles of fin ance lend itself to various interpretations in connection with nature of processes and type of organization. The accounting processes and financial management in a healthcare sector are special and different from the usual processes as they relate to normal businesses. According to some financial analysts, the major distinguishing aspect of healthcare finance and accounting is that sources of income are not directly connected to the beneficiaries of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Yamamoto Recording Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Yamamoto Recording Media - Essay Example Under the manufacturing department, capacity constraint combined with scheduled preventive maintenance and other unforeseen factors such as the absence of necessary raw materials can make the production department unable to meet its target schedule (Collins 7). Lack of support from manufacturing staff can also make it impossible for Fazer to meet his plan of cutting down the order-to-delivery cycle (9). With regards to its distribution network, shipping the final product to Yamato Logistics Europe (YLE) for warehousing and dispatching purposes can only add unnecessary expenses to the company. Therefore, YLE staff should be supportive of Fazan’s plan to change its role from warehousing and dispatching to a more responsive logistics and distribution hub in Europe (Collins 10). As a common business practice, the NSC department was made responsible in getting orders directly from customers or retailers which then will be submitted to P/S department for order scheduling and forecast (Collins 7, 9). Because of added work load, NSC staff has been skeptical to change the ordering plan from monthly period to weekly basis (9). On the other hand, unreliable demand forecast coming from the P/S department can also trigger some problems in the company’s inventory level and the company’s ability to fill the market demand (7). In product life cycle, manufacturing companies such as the case of Yamamoto should avoid products that are obsolete because of high levels of inventory.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Culture and Education Essay Example for Free

Culture and Education Essay The institutions of education which are shaping the minds of todays youth do not all teach the same facts and curriculum. Throughout the world there are differing opinions on what, when, and how certain facts, theories, and concepts should be taught. Not all children are taught the same truths; this statement might sound unfair, or maybe incomprehensible. How, one may ask, could accepted truths not be taught as such; and what decides whether they will be or not? Cultural constructs such as norms, morals, and shared religious beliefs play a role in what education consists of and looks like for different groups of children all over the world. Let’s take a look at the common History class. When taking a History class in the United States you will most likely be learning U. S. History, and even if you take a World History class it will still focus on the U. S. and how it interacted with and impacted other countries. In Japan you would be learning Japanese History. However if you were to read through certain Japanese history text books you might be alarmed to find that Japan is portrayed not only as a victim instead of an aggressor in the context of WWII and that there is a lack of general information regarding their participation in the war all together. Largely in debate is the Nanking Massacre in which the Japanese allegedly systematically kill 300,000 people including both civilians and soldiers. There are two schools of thought, The Massacre Denial and The Massacre Affirmative. Japan’s culture is one of honor which makes it difficult for them to acknowledge their mistakes, and thus largely try to ignore the Nanking incident in a sort of sweep it under the rug fashion. In Japanese Universities many teachers will teach that while the event did happen the numbers were closer to 10,000 and included only soldiers while some classes do not cover the topic at all. In China they teach that it did in fact happen and claim the body count reached 300,000 or more. The effect of this difference in truths being taught is that in Japan younger generations do not view Japan as having been an aggressor in the war, and younger Chinese generations continue to view the Japanese as horrible people. Then there is Human Growth and Development / Sex Ed. While many believe it is a necessary section of what children learn in Health classes, some find it to go against their culture. In certain groups simply discussing opening a woman’s menstrual cycle or how a baby is made can be taboo. Not to mention once you start getting into discussions about birth control options and how to properly put on a condom all hell can break lose. To those whose culture forbids them from having premarital sex, these classes can seem obscene and worrisome in the sense that perhaps these classes will cause their children to commit these sins after acquiring knowledge about it. Then there are also cultures who simply think that school is not a place for these things to be covered, and that it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children about them themselves. Another main concern is also when these things will be taught. I myself remember being taught about the changes that would happen to my body once I hit puberty starting around 4th grade in Human Growth and Development classes. It wasnt until high school that anyone really talked about sex, and ways to make it safe. Some people think that due to rates of teen pregnancy and the way these teen parents seem to be getting younger and younger, that it may be necessary to begin bringing up safe sex much earlier on. However, many people believe this would be overstepping many cultural boundaries. Either way schools almost always allow parents to remove children from these classes as they understand that these matters are viewed differently by different cultures. The way in which the Theory of Evolution is taught throughout the U. S. s another prime example of how cultural beliefs try and sometimes succeed in shaping educational curriculum. While throughout the science community the Theory of Evolution is greatly accepted as the reason behind animals and humans being the way they are today, the fashion in which it is taught to students throughout the United States varies from state to state. A map published in a 2002 issue of Scientific American which was based on data collected by Lawrence S. Lerner of California State University the map depicts the quality of coverage given to the Theory of Evolution in each states Science Standards. It shows that while in a little over half of the states the teaching of the theory is considered very good to satisfactory, a number of states, particularly several in the Bible Belt, an area of the Southern United States where the culture reflects the strongly conservative and Evangelical population which boasts higher church attendance than the countries average; there is â€Å"unsatisfactory, useless, or absent† coverage of the theory. The battle to allow for another theory to be taught instead of, or alongside Evolution is ongoing but has been approved in Kentucky as well as Tennessee. These states now teach Creationism/Creation Science, â€Å"A literal belief in the biblical account of Creation as it appears in the Book of Genesis. Creationists believe that the creation of the world and all its creatures took place in six calendar days; they therefore deny the theory of evolution. †() In areas of the U. S. where religion is not a large part of culture it is not likely for Creationism to be seen as something which should be taught in science classes, however is areas where the religious roots of a culture run deep the attempts such as these to control education are apparent. If one were to make a list of all things which are agreed upon by their culture to be truths and compared it to that of another’s there would undoubtedly be differences. While one would hope the majority of facts matched there will always be variations. This is reflected through the words of teachers and the knowledge of their students. Ones’ culture defines what education consists of and looks like for them, perhaps it seems unfair, but it is undeniably true. Not all children are taught the same truths.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Youth Empowerment And Promoting Peace

Youth Empowerment And Promoting Peace Peace is not just absence of war but also a state of mind, individual or collective a social cultural, political and economic harmony. Peace is also a way of being and a way of living. Hence to build a true culture of peace, we need to develop justice and respect of human rights to fight against poverty. We need to favour intercultural dialogue which should be among civilizations and to empower youths. As youths it is our governments concerning at dialogue to build a culture of peace. Therefore, we must support the following concrete proposals to support youth against oppression and we have to recognize the number of existing obstacles for the realization of a true culture of peace. Now the time has come to activate the youth of the world to get the best from the atom by using it properly and bringing peace in the world. The youths of new millennium must work hard for linking and networking research with the international peace movement. To promote inter nation discussion of youths common problems we must approach UN and its related agencies on the topics of human rights and rights of the children. Let the youths make special request for providing advice, help with setting up courses and conferences on the world peace to assist in workshops on peace education for the youth. Youth must be encouraged to appeal to the world leader to create peaceful and sustainable world. Every youth has different knowledge and capabilities. International peace and security can not be achieved without the promotion of mutual understanding, cooperation and goodwill among the youth of the world. The world community must give a new dimension to task of education, producing a new kind of spirit of harmony and understanding in the art of living in the world community. UN must empower every youth with the education and resources to sustainable livelihood and provide social security and solution building concerning peace. However the United Nations has seeds of hope and peace. We should remember that in comparison to the United Nations the world is very old and it is not easy to change the world. Youth can be said to be the most innovative and uncompromising part of society. UN was setup from the ashes of the Second World War and the declaration of human rights was one of the first things that it produced. We should understand that whole universe is created for peace not for destruction. People should therefore live together in peace and do whatever they can for the wellbeing of the suffering ones. However, we have not been successful in stopping the arm race among the great power yet. The exercise of human rights and freedom is an essential element of peace. Peace is an essential requirement for the satisfaction of human basic needs such as food, shelter, health, education, labour and environment. The young general assembly is uniting young people from all over the world in responsible action to initiate practical activities through promoting youth empowerment in decision making and solution building. The children of the world are calling for a better future. They have the chance to develop their potential. They need a peaceful world. Childrens rights are being violated every day and yet the offenders continued to say Children are the future. To educate and enlighten the youths about social services and also promote community organizing as a tool to reconnect people to each other with a common goal of building supportive and good community. To create spaces for the youths of the world including people who are young of color, queer, poor and or have disabilities to invest in the power of collective action. The world community is highly concerned about the continued deterioration of the status of world wide youths who face growing levels of unemployment, poverty, epidemic diseases, functional illiteracy and other social and economic challenges. Youths continue to face serious health issues, in particular the HIV/AIDS which is the biggest challenge facing our generation. The world community is highly concerned about the prevalence of human rights violation with regard to young people such as child labour, trafficking and living in countries under occupation. We recognize that there are too many young people lacking the necessary education and training for good productive jobs, too few jobs and too many unproductive jobs with poor remuneration and security. The world community must increase an investment in relevant skills training, emphasizing training appropriate to the job market. Growing awareness of the interdependence of the world and of global problems is concern to all people of the world. The purpose of youth network is to increase the youths respect for human beings, love for humanity and develop a peace loving mind all of which should be the foundation for international understanding. Therefore moral education is very closely related to international understanding. Special activities play an important role because they help the youths develop international understanding through actual experiences. We must empower all the youths of the world and encourage them to pay need to the followings: Interests in the world surrounding and in human cultures. Understanding of world and cultures. Transformation of consciousness to include the world and other cultures. Formation of an attitude of international harmony and cooperation. Often teaching for international understanding is based on a description and analysis of different international social systems. The aim is to develop a critical idea in young people who should be able to discern the political and economical structure, which are the causes of conflict, violence and war. This is right but not enough. The young people will be encouraged to take part in activities of understanding other people and to discover the cultures of other races such as Japanese, the Africans and the Arabs. They may learn in other lands such as the famine crises, earthquake crisis in Pakistan and may decide to sponsor a child in Africa in order to help pay for his education. The venture may be successful in bringing the awareness amongst the young people about the value of understanding and peace and benefits, peaceful cooperation amongst the different people of the world. The people of the world should take keen interest in identifying and advocating for initiatives that empower young people to have greater control over their individual and collective destinies and their ability to contribute effectively to the advancement of the global community and achieve peace and international understanding. To form a youth network which could mechanism to ensure the participation of young representatives reconciliations process, negotiations and peace building. Lets develop and support the education of culture of peace in programmes of schools in all levels. It is crucial to break stereotypes in education by raising awareness the role and contribution of girls and young women in society. The United Nations system should encourage, promote and find ways to recognize the participation, facilities and technical assistance for their work. Education, training and capacity building of youth are of paramount importance to encourage youths to contribute their time and energy in the field of international understanding and peace. Especially the young people of the developing countries are facing lots of problems for example, lack of opportunities for education and training, unemployment, drug abuse, poor health facilities and services etc. the young people constitute the major human resource for development. They are in many sectors, the key agents for social change and technological innovations. Young people are frequently the last to benefit directly from general progress, living without basic resources curtails the participation of youths in the lives of their communities and nations. It also has an adverse impact on the access to education and skill development. Poverty undermines the aspiration of millions of young people globally, manifesting itself in illness, illiteracy, drug abuse, trafficking and crime. Faced with too many demands, too few resources, the needs of youth go unanswered to the long term detriment of development. It is evident from the foregoing facts and figures that youth need support if they are to play a central role in society. The international communities also have objectives, to promote youth activities as an integral part of social and economic development; to enhance the active participation of youth in society and to promote among young people, the ideals of peace and international understanding.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

In What Way Does The Final Scene of Act 1 Demonstrate Dramatically The

In What Way Does The Final Scene of Act 1 Demonstrate Dramatically The Tensions Between The Characters Which Will Lead to Tragedy? The final scene of Act 1 in Arthur Miller's 'A View From The Bridge' demonstrates dramatic tension in a variety of different ways. It is made fairly clear from the final moments of the act when Alfieri returns to the stage that the play will end in tragedy. Miller shows this through dialogue between the characters and in the plentiful stage directions with which he liberally sprinkles the text. There is a range of conflict present in the scene. The central conflict however, involves Eddie's unacknowledged jealousy towards Rodolfo; this is the strongest. The above dispute is clearly visible when Eddie goes to visit Alfieri for the first time. He makes insubstantial claims about Rodolfo's sexual persuasion without ever calling him a homosexual. Eddie asserts to Alfieri that "the guy ain't right" and that he "ain't no tenor". He continues by adding that if one was to enter a room when Rodolfo was singing, "you wouldn't be looking for him, you'd be looking for her". He is incredulous that there is no recourse in the law that will prevent Rodolfo, a submarine or illegal immigrant, from marrying Catherine. When he leaves Alfieri's office, Eddie has made it clear he would never betray the cousins. Nevertheless the audience is made to feel that he may yet take the recurring theme of personal justice into his own hands, if not by informing the authorities of their illegal presence in the country, then by some other means. This is shown by the extent of Eddie's anger when he says "he's stealing from me" and "[he] puts his filthy hands on her like a goddam thief." Miller conveys th... ... the characters that will lead to tragedy through the way he very carefully structures the play so that the central tension, Eddie versus Rodolfo, increases as the action unfolds. This is true of the 'minor' tensions too, e.g. Beatrice versus Eddie. The tensions themselves are built up by the pithy dialogue and the meticulous stage directions, e.g. "rubbing his fists into his palms; diverting their attention; he senses he is exposing the issue and he is driven on". Miller mimics Greek tragedy with a "chorus" - Alfieri - who comments on the action. Alfieri does this job well and is constantly hinting at the tragic ending he knows is going to unfold. Ironically, after the first few scenes the audience realise that Alfieri was right at the beginning and the play is going to end in tragedy. How it will come about is still unclear at the end of Act 1, however.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Natural Order and Phenomena in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth 2

"Is 't night's predominance or the day's shame / That darkness does the face of Earth entomb / When living light should kiss it?" (Macbeth 2.4.9-11). ¹ The reversal of night and day in William Shakespeare's Macbeth represents a reversal far more permanent and unnatural: that of a nation's hierarchy. When the title character makes the tragic decision to commit regicide and begin a dishonest ascent to kingship, the destruction of the natural order of Scotland commences, and this turn of events is reflected by the violent reaction of natural phenomena in the country. William Shakespeare, as an author contracted by King James I, sought to preserve a conservative monarchical system, promote the philosophy of the Divine Right of Kings, and please his patron through Macbeth: Pairing Macbeth's murder of Scotland's King Duncan with a series of unnatural events, Shakespeare illustrates to audiences the severity of such a crime and the displeasure of nature and God with its perpetrator. The use of violent natural imagery in Macbeth solidifies a monarch's place as the divinely appointed leader of a nation by displaying God's consternation with Macbeth, embodying the interruption of a nation's natural hierarchy, striking terror into the hearts of those disloyal to their monarch, and portraying the witches as supernatural forces of evil upon Earth. In order to understand Macbeth's historical context, one must examine the political culture of the reign of King James I Stuart. James reigned over Scotland from 1567 to 1625 and England from 1603 to 1625, and was the first of a wave of monarchs claiming a divine right to rule (BBC). As the first ruler of a consolidated Kingdom of Great Britain, James issued public statements affirming his... ...ial conservatism and makes for interesting analysis. Just as an eclipse darkens the sun, regicide creates a series of events that reverses the natural order of a divine right monarchy, and William Shakespeare effectively illustrates this idea through the use of natural imagery in Macbeth. Works Cited "BBC - History - Historic Figures: James I and VI (1566 - 1625)." BBC History. BBC, 2011. Web. 08 Apr. 2011. . Kreis, Steven. "James I, Speeches to Parliament (1609)." The History Guide. 12 May 2004. Web. 08 Apr. 2011. . McDonald, Russ. The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: an Introduction with Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. Print. Shakespeare, William, and Sylan Barnet. Macbeth. New York: Signet Classics, 1998. Print. Natural Order and Phenomena in Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth 2 "Is 't night's predominance or the day's shame / That darkness does the face of Earth entomb / When living light should kiss it?" (Macbeth 2.4.9-11). ¹ The reversal of night and day in William Shakespeare's Macbeth represents a reversal far more permanent and unnatural: that of a nation's hierarchy. When the title character makes the tragic decision to commit regicide and begin a dishonest ascent to kingship, the destruction of the natural order of Scotland commences, and this turn of events is reflected by the violent reaction of natural phenomena in the country. William Shakespeare, as an author contracted by King James I, sought to preserve a conservative monarchical system, promote the philosophy of the Divine Right of Kings, and please his patron through Macbeth: Pairing Macbeth's murder of Scotland's King Duncan with a series of unnatural events, Shakespeare illustrates to audiences the severity of such a crime and the displeasure of nature and God with its perpetrator. The use of violent natural imagery in Macbeth solidifies a monarch's place as the divinely appointed leader of a nation by displaying God's consternation with Macbeth, embodying the interruption of a nation's natural hierarchy, striking terror into the hearts of those disloyal to their monarch, and portraying the witches as supernatural forces of evil upon Earth. In order to understand Macbeth's historical context, one must examine the political culture of the reign of King James I Stuart. James reigned over Scotland from 1567 to 1625 and England from 1603 to 1625, and was the first of a wave of monarchs claiming a divine right to rule (BBC). As the first ruler of a consolidated Kingdom of Great Britain, James issued public statements affirming his... ...ial conservatism and makes for interesting analysis. Just as an eclipse darkens the sun, regicide creates a series of events that reverses the natural order of a divine right monarchy, and William Shakespeare effectively illustrates this idea through the use of natural imagery in Macbeth. Works Cited "BBC - History - Historic Figures: James I and VI (1566 - 1625)." BBC History. BBC, 2011. Web. 08 Apr. 2011. . Kreis, Steven. "James I, Speeches to Parliament (1609)." The History Guide. 12 May 2004. Web. 08 Apr. 2011. . McDonald, Russ. The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: an Introduction with Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. Print. Shakespeare, William, and Sylan Barnet. Macbeth. New York: Signet Classics, 1998. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparing Beowulf with the Green Knight

When it comes to groundbreaking, classical literature, not many works can trump what Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight have done. Although similar through importance, readers would be hard pressed to discover any more similarities between the two. Beowulf is an epic poem from the Anglo-Saxon period, while Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a tale from the medieval period. The main characters of each novel, Beowulf and Sir Gawain, each endure personal struggles in the â€Å"problem of pride. In completely separate fashions, both of them lust for domination (libido dominandi) throughout each of their respective stories. Beowulf, the earliest of epic heroes, was significantly known for his bravery. With his lack of fear for death, he without a doubt was known as the greatest warrior at the time. However with great skill and the constant appraisal from fellow warriors, Beowulf becomes very boastful in his continued desire for dominance. In fact, his first words of the tale were, â€Å"When I was younger, I had great triumphs. Then news of Grendel, hard to ignore, reached me at home. Off the bat, he introduces himself as an accomplished warrior who felt it was his duty to slay the monster Grendel the minute he heard about his destruction. Beowulf revels in his decision to come over from Geatland to protect King Hrothgar and his people. He feels that this is his opportunity to come and â€Å"protect the thrown† in a God-like manner. Furthermore, in Beowulf’s quest, he completely ignores the medieval warfare’s protocol on weapons. While warriors typically use weapons in battle, Beowulf disagrees with this approach, risking his humanity while stepping outside of his human limits. He decides to fight Grendel on his own terms, and this over prideful, â€Å"superheroesque† mind frame (first interpreted as heroic) would come back to haunt Beowulf in his eventual death. As the story of Beowulf continues, Beowulf’s pride wears him down in his lust for domination. King Hrothgar, at one point, even warns a younger Beowulf to not let libido dominandi occur. Hrothgar proclaims, â€Å"He covets and resents; dishonors custom and bestows no gold; and because of good things that the Heavenly Powers gave him in the past he ignores the shape of things to come †¦ O flowers of warriors, beware of that trap. Choose, dear Beowulf, the better part, eternal rewards. Do not give way to pride. † However, Hrothgar’s advice doesn’t seem to help in Beowulf’s clash with the dragon towards the end of the tale. Beowulf was praised for his nobility when he was younger, but his aging only increased his lust for domination. He simply doesn’t care about the repercussions of his death, and how leaving them unprotected would severely impact his people. In conclusion, Beowulf recklessly battles this dragon to the death. He praises God before his death as he states, â€Å"To the everlasting Lord of all, to the King of Glory, I give thanks that I behold this treasure here in front of me, that I have been allowed to leave my people so well endowed on the day I die. † This ending, going out in a blaze of glory, was exactly what Beowulf wanted to happen. It was not exactly his fate, but his desire for glory was simply too strong, thus neglecting what should have been most important to him: the safety of his people. If he was truly a great hero, he would put the well being of others before his desire for dominance. In the case of Sir Gawain, his libido dominandi was enigmatic. Personal honor and valor seemed to be the two most important aspects of his life. Differing from Beowulf, Sir Gawain’s quest is a moral epic, and not one of physical attrition. However, Sir Gawain’s libido dominandi stems from his false humility, or in other words, his refusal to accept human failure. In the introduction of the story, the Green Knight travels over to King Arthur’s castle and demonstrates his Christmas game. At first, Arthur is asked to be put to the test, but in an act of chivalry, Sir Gawain (Arthur’s nephew/right hand man at the knight’s roundtable) steps up. He explains, â€Å"While so bold men about upon benches sit, That no host under heaven is hardier of will, Nor better brothers-in-arms where battle is joined; I am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblest; And the loss of my life would be least of any. † It is almost as if Sir Gawain undersells himself so much, to only further enhance his heroism. During his travels the corresponding winter season, Sir Gawain’s internal conflicts continue. He is fighting against his own demons; there is no Grendel (or any other physical monster for that matter) in this story, just a desire for moral reformation and satisfaction from others. In his stay at the Bertilak of Hautdesert’s castle, Sir Gawain’s morale is only further boosted. Bertilak states, â€Å"As long as I may live, my luck is the better that Gawain was my guest at God’s own feast! † In response, Sir Gawain quickly deflects the compliment and explains that the honor is his. Furthermore, after Gawain’s final interaction with the Green Knight, he flinches when the axe is first wielded towards his neck. This of course is a normal human reaction. But to this noble knight, it is completely unacceptable. This corresponds with his problems of Pride; Sir Gawain wears the green girdle around his arm given to him by Bertilak’s wife to constantly remind him of his wrongdoings (slightly giving into her seduction). After returning to a hero’s welcome, Sir Gawain’s false humility continues as he sulks about his minor faults and lives in shame. However, as those who surround him maintain their commemoration of him, his libido dominandi clandestinely grows. Throughout the text, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a common theme of â€Å"doubleness† is used effectively to portray the complexity of medieval life. In other words, there was never just one, blatant solution to courtly issues. In the case of chivalry, Sir Gawain was faced with social courtesy (secular) versus Christian courtesy (religious). In the case of the Green Knight, two separate images of positivity and negativity were deliberated. And in the case of the girdle, the knotted belt and open belt showcased two different connotations. During the medieval period, the policy of chivalry to the aristocracy ruled above all. It was a code of conduct developed from warrior knights. The debate between religion versus politics was significant during the â€Å"High Middle Ages† as personal morality became a big issue in 1400’s English literature. When Sir Gawain is first introduced to Sir Bertilak’s wife, â€Å"he politely approached; to the elder in homage he humbly bows; the lovelier he salutes with a light embrace. He claims a comely kiss, and courteously he speaks; they welcome him warmly, and straightaway he asks to be received as their servant, if they so desire. Honor, graciousness, and respect marked the typical knight’s introduction. However, Sir Gawain begins to question his honor when Bertilak’s wife begins her seduction tactics. Gawain is faced with the â€Å"doubleness† issue of doing what is right as a Christian versus doing what is right in knighthood. Should he deny the sexual advances because it was another man’s wife, therefore it was a sin against God, or should he accept the lady’s wishes out of honor and respect. The theme of temptation becomes the heart of this tale, as Sir Gawain’s adherence to the code of chivalry is constantly put to the test. After rejecting the first two advances, Sir Gawain begins to crack a little during the third and final bedroom scene. Bertilak’s wife changes her evasive language to a more assertive style, and her attire (moderate in earlier scenes) suddenly becomes risque and revealing. He declares, â€Å"My body is here at hand; your each wish to fulfill; your servant to command I am, and shall be still. † Gawain gives in due to the laws of chivalry, where knights are required to respect the set of laws concerning courtly love, and do whatever a damsel asks. The Green Knight also plays a huge role in continuing with the â€Å"doubleness† theme. This character is extremely difficult to interpret as some view him as a devilish figure whose only purpose is to tempt Gawain into sin, while some view him as a holistic figure whose purpose is to build Gawain into becoming an improved knight. In the Green Knight’s introduction to the Christmas party, he arrives with a holly branch and an axe. The holly branch represents peace and happiness, while the axe is supposed to represent violence and death. Furthermore, he states, â€Å"Not all, I think, for dread, but some of courteous grace let him who was their head be spokesman in that place. He immediately references God, but then counteracts that with his threats of beheading someone. To the reader, these two polar opposites begin to question what the Green Knight’s true intentions are. In addition, even the color green goes along the lines of the â€Å"doubleness† theme. During the medieval ages, the color green was conveyed as life, love, hope, and the birth chamber to some; while to others it provoked thoughts of jealousy, death, and sometimes the color of the devil. Towards the conclusion of the tale, the Green Knight’s true persona becomes revealed as he turns out to be the host, Sir Bertilak. This plays on with the theme of temptation, as this was all set up to test Sir Gawain’s honor and virtuosity. The girdle, which is the third theme of â€Å"doubleness,† contains a symbolic meaning that has been interpreted in a variety of ways. The girdle can be viewed as sexual or spiritual. Accordingly, the knotted belt of the girdle represented chastity, good faith, and virginity while on the contrary, the open belt represented sexual advances and poor faith. This girdle is very lavish, as it is made out of green silk and embroidered with gold thread (colors that link it to the Green Knight). Sir Bertilak’s wife claims that it possesses the power to keep the wearer of it away from harm. However, it is deciphered towards the end of the story that this girdle indeed has no magical properties, and was simply another experimental tactic used against Sir Gawain. While Gawain is able to resist the brunt of Bertilak’s wife’s sexual advances, he is unable to resist the powers of the girdle. When Bertilak returns home from each of his hunting trips, Gawain does not reveal the girdle and instead hides it in shame. This showcases the spiritual interpretation; his acceptance of the girdle is a sign of his faltering faith in God. After the Green Knight reveals his identity as Sir Bertilak/the host, Gawain curses the girdle for he believes it represents his cowardice. He states, â€Å"But your girdle, God love you! I gladly shall take and be pleased to possess, not for the pure gold, nor the bright belt itself, nor the beauteous pendants, nor for wealth, nor worldly state, nor workmanship fine, but a sign of excess it shall seem oftentimes when I ride in renown, and remember with shame the faults and frailty of the fresh preserve. Yet, the others celebrate him during his return from the quest. To show their support, Arthur and his people wear green, silk baldrics that appear just like Gawain’s girdle. The double interpretation of the girdle corresponds with its complex, multi-faceted symbol. This theme of â€Å"doubleness†, the constant use of temptation with more than one side, bec omes the main driving point in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.