Saturday, October 19, 2019

Judgement analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Judgement analysis paper - Essay Example The key message of the book is that leaders are basically assessed by the quality of judgment they make throughout their occupation. It is always thought that judgment is something that cannot be learnt rather it is advocated to evolve over time. However, Tichy and Bennis have found method to assist leaders to improve their capability to make effective judgment. They also have articulated leadership judgment as a simple and understandable procedure. Leaders at every organizational level make judgment regarding employees, strategy and crisis situation. Tichy and Bennis demonstrated the type of knowledge required in order to make successful decision and how leaders can effectively use such knowledge in order to execute the judgments (Tichy and Bennis 1-285). In the first chapter, the authors proclaimed that effective leaders not only make better decisions but they are also capable of making the appropriate judgment. Effective leaders are those who are better at entire judgment procedure that starts from observing the requirement for an appeal of judgment, to framing the organizational issues, to figuring out the serious ones and to organizing as well as stimulating the teams towards accomplishing the organizational goal. Tichy and Bennis in their book have stated that there is a framework containing three crucial areas within which every judgment are made. Among various other judgments, the decision regarding people are most critical than decisions taken regarding strategy or on any crisis situation. The authors stated that effective judgment is a procedure rather than an event. Every judgment starts when a leader identify the requirement of taking decision and frame them accordingly. The procedures of making judgment continue through e xecution and alteration phases. The authors also stressed the significance of acquiring sufficient

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