Tuesday, November 26, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird - Racism essays

To Kill a Mockingbird - Racism essays To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel rifle with references of racial prejudice and injustice. The South has never been a bastion for racial equality, and still can be seen by some to harbor the last vestiges of bigotry. Harper Lee does a great job demonstrating the effects of racial inequality, through the main characters reactions, and the overall outcome of the novel. The novel itself encompasses many of the feelings that were flying around during the time at which it was written. The first racist event that occurs in the book, is the incident that ensues at Calpurnias church. Calpurnia is a servant at the finch house, and is an African American. One Sunday when Atticus is not at home, Calpurnia has to decide what to do with the children. She does not wish to send them to church alone, because there was a mishap that occurred the last time the children went by themselves. After thinking about it, she decides to take Scout and Jem to the church she normally attends. When Calpurnia and the children arrive, a black member of the church gets irritated, and wants them to leave. Segregation at the time was normal, and the whites and blacks went to different churches. Scout and Jem, not wanting to cause any trouble, were ready to leave. Calpurnia, however, stands up for the children and as a result, the church comes to her aid. Reverend Sykes and other members of the black community accept the Finch children with open hands. This skirmish here shows that racism is not one sided. Many blacks hold a deep resentment for the white race at this time. When church is over Scout questions Calpurnia. She wants to know why Calpurnia does nigger-talk to her folks, when she knows its not right. At first Calpurnia contends that she is black, but Scout quickly brushes it off. After Calpurnia thinks for a little while, she claims it is not necessary to tell all she knows. She does not want to make her fellow blacks be...

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