Monday, July 29, 2019

Camera Obscura Edinburgh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Camera Obscura Edinburgh - Essay Example These aspects are (1) the visitors’ experience and (2) the visitors’ behavior. Key Words camera obscura, artistic Introduction The Camera Obscura in Edinburgh is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Scotland. The site is frequented by thousands of tourists every year who are eager to see and learn about this artistic marvel (Cooper 2005, p.37). It is a very important feature of Scotland’s tourism industry, and is loved and adored by so many people. Most people love visiting tourist attractions and sites; they love to explore and to take in the wonderful features on offer in not only their countries but other foreign nations as well. However, few people really appreciate these sites. This could be because a majority of them have little grasp of those attractions and therefore are not aware of how to conduct themselves when touring. It is worth noting that if one does not fully understand the history and nature of a particular tourist attraction, it is ve ry difficult to enjoy a visit to that site. At the same time, it is very easy for one to do things that might be considered wrong or inappropriate. Despite this, they cannot be wholly blamed, and this is why tour guides and operators are so important (Huang 2009, p.19). They help visitors to acclimatize themselves to whichever place they are visiting, and in the process improve their experience and allow them to express themselves without any reservations. The Camera Obscura in Edinburgh is an example of a tourist attraction that can do more in order to give its visitors the best possible experience. How to Improve Visitor Behavior Improving Communication (especially informal communication) Visitors always enjoy visits to museums and tourist attractions when they engage in interactive and hands-on exhibitions. These types of exhibitions are usually accompanied by fun, but they are not always accompanied by scientific, cultural or educational enrichment. Visitors often enjoy museum v isits, most visibly to observers, in hands-on and interactive exhibitions (Stine 2009, p.29). Hands-on exhibitions are not necessarily accompanied by educational, cultural or scientific enrichment, although they may be accompanied by having fun. Research carried out over the years has revealed that visitors often miss most of the attitudes and /or ideas that are normally the original objective of museums, exhibition organizers and curators. Museums and tourist sites generally understand and know how to develop the aesthetic, physical and scholarly aspects of spaces. Despite this, the attitudes, learning capabilities, motivations and preconceptions are not well understood. Edinburgh’s Camera Obscura should strive acquire an in-depth knowledge of how visitors learn and behave in leisure-oriented environments. This will allow it to â€Å"read† its visitors and as a result develop a very good understanding of their preferences, how they like to view those preferences and h ow much time they require to view the various attractions within the Camera Obscura (Hall 2009, p.10). It is therefore crucial that any

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