Friday, July 26, 2019

Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Human Resources - Essay Example 13 Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., and Sargeant, M. 2002. People Management and Development: Human Resource Management at Work. London: CIPD Publishing. 13 Mayock, P. 2011. 28 best practices for hotel operators. [online] Hotel News Now. Available at [Accessed 19 October 2013]. 14 McKay, M. n.d. What Is the HR Business Partner Model? [online] Chron. Available at [Accessed 19 October 2013]. 14 Price Waters Cooper. 2011. Shared service centres: opportunities and challenges in HR transformation. [online] Price Waters Cooper. Available at Accessed 19 October 2013]. 14 Reilly, P. 2000. HR Shared Services and the Realignment of HR. [online] IES. Available at [Accessed 19 October 2013]. 14 Reilly, P and Williams, T. 2003. How to Get Best Value from HR: The Shared Services Option. London: Gower Publishing Ltd. 14 Snel l, S and Bohlander, G. ed., 2011. Managing Human Resources. Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA. 14 Snider, M. 2003. Compatibility Breeds Success: How to Manage Your Relationship with Your Business Partner. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. 15 Storey, J. 2002. Human Resource Management: A Critical Text. Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA. 15 University of Michigan. 2013. Administrative Services Transformation Overview Presentation for Shared Services. [online] University of Michigan. Available at: [Accessed 19 October 2013]. 15 Wenderoth, M. 2009. Change...On the other hand, when there are challenges facing the human resources department, profitability of the business cannot be guaranteed. Some of the challenges the human resources department can face include tension with the business owners, lack of proper power flow within the department. There are several ways these challenges can be addressed leading to regaining of business pr ofitability and success in its respective sector (Snell and Bohlander, 2011). The Snow mountain hotel has hotels and resorts across America, including Canada, United States, Bermuda, Mexico and Barbados. The hotel’s human resources department is in crisis. The department responsibilities and chores are not well-organized and structured and there has been tension between the owners of the hotel and the human resources management. They have varying perspectives and viewpoints on how the hotel should be run. Business leaders and owners have weight when it comes to making decisions, putting the human resources department between a hard rock and a wall. While they have the strategies on how to do their work, they cannot disregard the instructions from the leaders and owners. This paper will provide a number of propositions on how the human resources management should do to organize the department, agree with the owners and share responsibility. This is a human-resource strategy in which the company leaders and owners work together with the human resources department.

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