Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Personal Analysis Essay Music free essay sample

Music implies something else to every individual. To me, music is a type of communicating. It permits me to communicate sentiments and feelings that you cannot portray in words. Music permits me to communicate feelings that dont yet have a name, feelings that you cannot discover in a word reference, yet you can feel. Music permits me to recount to a story without saying a solitary word. Music permits me to be who I truly am. Music has hugy affected my life. Indeed, even In my initial years, my Dad would sit with my sibling and me at the piano and play melodies for us.Hed in any event, chime in Like a canine to make it all the more intriguing. I needed to emulate his example, and began playing piano. I instructed myself all that I knew for the initial 2 years I played It. Its practically like piano had been sitting tight for me, Like everything was at that point In there Just dancing to be found. We will compose a custom paper test on Individual Analysis Essay: Music or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I had just been playing violin for around five or SIX years by then, and this revelation of the plants In me just reinforced my relationship with music. Music to me became Like a closest companion to anybody else.I could sit at the piano following a terrible day and play, and It would cause me to feel better. I could trust in my music, and I would be alright. Im quite often tuning in to music. At whatever point I was given authorization in class to tune in to my music, I would pop my earphones in and block out the world. I had (and still have) this comprehension of music. I can feel what its attempting to state to me, I can get the message even without any words. Music has consistently been that one strong stone I can incline toward, that one subject that I never got drained of.Theres consistently another exercise about music to be scholarly. There are limitless exercises about music to be educated. Music characterizes me in an individual manner. It uncovered my feelings, and offers me a chance to impart those feelings to others, regardless of whether they are individual artists or a group of people. Music is a passionate discharge. It is an outlet that never becomes weary of hearing me vent. Music lifts that overwhelming burden off my shoulders toward the finish of a taxing day. Music characterizes me as something other than an artist or a craftsman, however as a basic individual, as well.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Social and Legal Aspects of Homosexuality in Hong Kong

The social and legitimate parts of homosexuality in Hong Kong In 1988, there was a serious contention on whether to sanction homosexuality. Various gatherings communicated their perspectives on open conversation hold in Victoria Park. A gathering of gay men announced that they have a similar commitment to the general public as others. The existed law encroaches on their human right. Then again, Dr. Philemon Choi who contradicted decriminalization feared the effects of decriminalization, for example, the expansion of male prostitution in spite of the fact that he consented to bring down the penalties.Besides, the Law Reform Commission had likewise talked about on this point for a long time however the advancement was moderate. The fundamental thought was that homosexuality was not about legitimate issues however profound quality; accordingly, the commission recommended extricating the law. Be that as it may, it didn't mean the Acceptance of homosexuality. Numerous individuals despite everything thought some criminal offenses were identified with homosexuality and it was against the ethical quality. In addition, Despite the connection between Hong Kong and Britain, the freedom development of gay laws was confined in light of the International Covenant.One of the choices from interview paper from LRC was keeping up the existed law. It contended that it was a loss for the police to put such a great amount of spotlight on homosexuality rather than other increasingly genuine cases. What I believe is entirely unexpected from the paper since there is around 20 years culture hole. Individuals presently are liberal and all the more ready to acknowledge others. The segregation is less basic in the cutting edge society, and I trust all the individuals will acknowledge homosexuality. REF: Louis Lee. â€Å"The social and lawful parts of homosexuality in Hong Kong† The HKU researcher Hub, (1988) 117-122,web. 9 Apr 2013

Corrido and Conjunto free essay sample

Relate every one of the three music classes that created on the Texas-Mexican outskirt to Its social foundation and the gathering related with Its boundless acknowledgment and spread. How could It change after some time? Passageway The hall has attaches back to Spanish descendents in the twelfth century. By the 1 fifth century, the style was increasingly grown; however the hallway truly rose after the Mexican-American War in 1846. This style turned out to be mainstream in the late nineteenth and mid twentieth hundreds of years in Mexico, and in the long run Texas.The hall exhibited the hanged in the job of Mexicans corresponding to Americans. Melodies frequently talked about occasions, catastrophes, or clashes. The melodies were racially engaged and would regularly go about as dissent to the social partialities that they confronted. After World War II, the topic changed to cover the important changes in social structure. The perusing The New Chicane Heroic Corridor by Jose Villains talks about examinations by Vaccine Mendoza, the main researcher in investigations of the hallway. Mendoza finds that the subject of the passageway has continually changed over time.He records numerous points that have been the Ochs of hall music throughout the years: verifiable, progressives, fortitude, killings, political, looters, Jailing, assaults, oppressions, murders, fiendish, catastrophes, ponies, and various different classes. The perusing likewise expresses, Another classification of hallway Is that of centering ladies courageous women rather than the customary male legends. One vocalist who made hallway mainstream was Lydia Mendoza. She is given acknowledgment for more than 200 tunes. She sang and joined herself by playing a 12-string guitar. Hall used to Just be sung a competent, yet she helped change this piece of the way of life of the radio. Premise was established by Spanish descendents in 1100-1200 AD * Well evolved by 1 fifth century * Emerged after Mix-Am War (1846-1848) * Became exceptionally famous in late nineteenth, mid twentieth century in Mexico * Documented change in job of Mexicans comparable to Americans * Very racially engaged (social dissent picks up preference) * After WI, new subject, changes in social structure Conjunct The conjunct style of music started in the late nineteenth century along the Mexican-American outskirt. It was a style of music for the average workers that was comprised of the accordion and the Baja sexton.The Baja sexton was initially utilized as a bass, yet then turned out to be all the more usually utilized as an ordinary guitar. In the backtalk, it spread through the s outhwestern United States with the assistance of the dad of conjunct music, Narcosis Martinez. He centered his music around a quick paced accordion. Valerie Longhorn included onto what Martinez started. Frequently alluded to as the virtuoso of conjunct, he changed his accordion to make It sound somewhat unique, and individuals have been attempting to duplicate It from that point forward. He additionally added drums and vocals to the music, which it didnt have when the class started. His music flourished after the Second World War.He helped raise the music to a more significant level, yet not to the privileged. The perusing Musical Frittering/Border Music by Manuel Penn alluded to the reasons for conjunct music. It states, It is basic to a comprehension of the conjunctions importance that its mind boggling social setting be considered. Its development was ethnic class erosion. This was the reason it would not like to be viewed as a melody for those of the high society. The average workers invested wholeheartedly in their conjunct. In the end, a man named Fallacy Jimenez, propelled the class more, by consolidating techno music with nation/western music from American popularity.Emerged in the late nineteenth century along the outskirt * Baja Sexton, first utilized as bass, at that point as guitar * Humble, country causes * Working class move music * In backtalk, spread through Southwest US (Arizona, Call, and so on) * Narcosis Martinez, father of conjunct music, concentrated on quick paced accordion * Valerie Longhorn, changed his accordion, individuals have been attempting to reproduce it from that point forward. Included drums. * Genius of conjunct music, included vocals, flourished in post WI. Raised too higher worth, yet not privileged. Solicitations Speaking of privileged, this was the place the solicitations thrived.It was created in the backtalk, to give the high society Mexicans a rendition of American couples dances, for example, the swing and three step dance. Numerous solicitations groups played the famous American melodies, yet new tunes were likewise made, and were a decent piece progressively mainstream. Noted by Penn in a meeting with an individual from a solicitations band, The principal hour we don't play anything yet American music and no one moving. At that point we take off with Los Laurels, El Abandoned Rancher, everyone begins moving. These melodies are instances of solicitations moves, for example, Daemon, Bolero, Rumba, and Accuracy.In the ass and ass, demands is said to have melded with American Jazz and rock. Penn again takes note of, The good old solicitations vanished not long after the appearance of the Mexican-American Generation. They were supplanted by the flooding, current style demands, which were fit not just of keeping alive the Mexican-Americans melodic roots, yet in addition of taking into account the new ages progressively present day and Americanizes viewpoint. In the backtalk and ass, a man named Bet Villa (the dad of the Mexican-American solicitations) blended the Tex-Mix Polka style with American swing ND foxtrot, making an exceptionally new form of solicitations music.In the ass and ass, Little Joe Hernandez and his family turned into a well known solicitations band. Look into the three styles as far as structure, verses, instrumentation and execution practice. Passageway (Ballad) The term Corridor depicted a sort of tune that was frequently racially engaged, recounting to an anecdote about the bias that the Mexican-Americans were confronting (this was particularly obvious after World War II). The tune El Corridor De Joaquin Merriest recounted to an anecdote about a hoodlum that they frequently alluded to as the Mexican Robin Hood. Another melody, El Corridor De Kiwanis point by point a dairy cattle drive by Americans that was going very poorly.Thirty American cows drivers were neglecting to control the 500 steers, yet then five Mexicans appeared and had the steers gathered together in a short time. There were additionally Caracas that recounted to an anecdote about the authors emotions or musings. They were regularly written in Strophic structure dependent on copal, which had 4 lines, 8 syllables for each line, and rhymed each second and fourth line. They used to be sung a fit, however are currently Mendoza who sang and played a 12-string guitar. She had more than 200 melodies to her name. Hall were normally sung in any way that befit the death of a story, as while voyaging, around a pit fire, or Just at home.Lyrics were passed orally and this frequently lead to words being changed throughout the years. * Very racially engaged (social dissent picks up preference) * Strophic Form * Caracas (tunes about the arrangers feeling, musings, and thoughts) * Told a story * Based on copal (4 lines, 8 syllables, 24 rhyme) * Sung A Capable, presently some incorporate guitar * El Corridor De Kiwanis (Cattle Drivers fizzled, Mexicans succeed) * El Corridor De Joaquin Merriest (Mexican Robin Hood) Lydia Mendoza, artist and 12 string guitar (200+ melodies) * Performance Practice: Passed orally, regularly evolving words, sang while voyaging, at home, etc.Requests music was utilized in high society gatherings or balls. In contrast to other techno music, it was not passed somewhere around ear. Since this was the high society, sheet music was uti lized to go down the melodies. * Upper class move music * Started with violin * Added metal, percussion, enormous band instruments * Incorporated three step dance, swing, and so forth * Lea said there was no structure Compare and complexity the strict conventions of Afro Cuban Sanitaria and African American Christian slaves on southern estates The Santa is the biggest Afro-Cuban religion, and is the Cuban blend of Your otherworldliness with Roman Catholicism.The first thing I saw was distinctive between the Afro Cuban Sanitaria and African American slaves was the job of race. This without a doubt assumed a major job in their religion too. In Cuba, it is said that race was not an issue as it was in America. Since religion was so frequently utilized by slaves as an approach to remain idealistic about their circumstance, this was a reasonable distinction. Another distinction was the love of Orisons, which the Cubans accepted to be a soul or god that reflects one of the signs of God.In a way, this can be analyzed also Saint in the Catholic Church. The Goddess of Love and Fertility in Afro-Cuban love was called Shun. It was said this was one of the principal Orisons that an untouchable would find. As African American slaves were not permitted to utilize drums with their tunes, the Afro-Cubans would utilize Bat drums that are said to hold an inhabiting god named Ana. These were drums sacrosanct to their religion, and utilized for unreels, inceptions, and other significant ceremonies.Contrasting from standard holy observances of the Christian confidence, the Afro-Cubans had an occasion called the Toque De Santos. It is a commemoration of inception to respect the spirits. There is singing and moving joined by the Bat drums. This function would make a changed condition of awareness that they accepted to be engaged with soul ownership. This modified condition of soul ownership was likewise present with African American Christian slaves. Follow the advancement and improvement of the Steel Band. Follow the advancement and improvement of the Calypso.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Investigation of the causes of failure of Lehman Brothers with special Dissertation

Examination of the reasons for disappointment of Lehman Brothers with extraordinary reference to organization issues - Dissertation Example This examination concentrate primarily centers around responding to the inquiry identified with conceivable organization issues that were instrumental in the disappointment of Lehman Brothers. It likewise assesses other potential reasons of its disappointment. The examination study was led through a writing audit and the contextual investigation inquire about strategy. The report depends basically on optional research, utilizing the current writing from different articles, diaries, and papers. The discoveries of this examination proposed that office issues played a noteworthy the aftermath of Lehman Brothers with the organization administrators engaged with taking a few dangerous speculation choices, less for the benefit of the proprietors of the organization and more in light of a legitimate concern for top administration. The high measure of motivator pay offered to the top officials urged them to fall back on such business procedures. Aside from the disappointment of hazard the executives control inside the organization, its complex authoritative structure and the unfavorable effect of worldwide money related emergency likewise assumed a job in the breakdown of Lehman Brothers. This examination study would thus be able to be useful in leading further research on office issues that can emerge in different business associations around the world. It very well may be useful for organizations to create different intends to conquer such issues, prompting progressively feasible and less hazardous development and advancement. List of chapters Tables and Figures 2 Chapter I: Introduction 3 1.1Rationale of the Study 5 1.2Aims and Objectives of the Study 6 1.3Research Questions 6 Chapter II: Literature Review 7 2.1 Subprime Crisis 7 2.2 Agency Theory 8 2.3 Agency Problems 9 2.3.1 Contracts 11 2.3.2 Incentive Contracts 12 2.3.3 Management Discretion 13 2.3.4 Evidences Related to Agency Costs 13 2.4 Causes of Failure of Lehman Brothers 14 2.4.1 Complex Organizational Structure 16 2.4.2 Valuation Issues 17 2.4.3 Risk Management Issues 17 2.4.4 Sarbanes-Oxley Act 18 Chapter III: Research Methodology 19 3.1 Type of Research Method 19 3.2 Data Sources 19 3.3 Case Study Rese arch 19 3.5 Research Design 20 3.5.1 Construct Validity 20 3.5.2 Internal Validity 21 3.5.3 External Validity 21 3.5.4 Reliability 22 Chapter IV: Findings and Analysis 22 4.1 Secondary Research Findings 22 4.1.1 Lehman Brothers and its Organizational Structure 22 4.1.2 Lehman Brothers’ Financials 23 4.1.3 Executive Compensations 24 4.2 Findings 25 4.3 Analysis and Discussions 25 Chapter V: Conclusion 26 Works Cited 28 Tables and Figures Figure 1.1 24 Figure 1.2 25 Chapter I: Introduction The money related industry overall encountered an extraordinary stun with the occasion of the insolvency documenting by Lehman Brothers on 15 September, 2008. It is viewed as one of the biggest documenting of chapter 11 by any association in United States. This critical episode happened amidst

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Youre on a budget but want to eat out. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Youre on a budget but want to eat out. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Many friends and family are traveling to New York this week to celebrate their loved ones proud moment as they walk on stage to pick up their hard-earned diplomas.   While some will be heading to fancy restaurants around town, others will be introduced to a few good eats around the Columbia University campus that are affordable too. We have compiled a list of restaurants around campus that are budget friendly for graduate students. because whether youre leaving or coming, who doesnt want reliable suggestions on places to eat.   Here are our top restaurants/delis near campus on a budget. Enjoy the Good Eats! 1. Hamilton Deli (116th/Amsterdam) o Lewinsky Sandwich $6.95 2. Milano’s (112th/Broadway) o Chicken Parmesan Sandwich $9.50 3. Taqueria La Fonda (107th/Amsterdam) o Big Chicken Burrito $8.00 4.   Pour House (109th/Amsterdam) o Lunch Burger Special $6.00 o *Make sure to fill out the survey when you pay! 5. Amigos (112th/Broadway) o Monday Taco Madness: Unlimited Tacos Sangria $20.00 o Crazy Quesadilla Tuesday: Unlimited Quesadilla Margaritas $20.00 6. The Heights (111th/Broadway) o Happy Hour Specials: Vegetable Quesadillas $8.00, Wings $8.00 7. Thai Market (107th/Amsterdam) o Lunch Specials $8.00 (12pm â€" 3:00 Daily) 8.   Falafel Kart! (115th/Broadway) o Chicken over Rice $5.00 (CASH ONLY!) 9. Ajanta (121st/Amsterdam) o Indian Lunch Specials o Lamb Curry with Rice $6.95 10. Koronet (110th/Broadway) o HUGE Slice of Pizza $3.95

Monday, June 29, 2020

Strategic Management at UNIQLO - Free Essay Example

Introduction Dubbed as Japans retail success story in the new millennium, UNIQLO is a 100% consolidated subsidiary of Fast Retailing Co. Ltd, a Japanese retail holding company. UNIQLO formed the portmanteau for ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“unique and ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“clothing as am emblem of creativity and individuality of Japanese apparel industry. UNIQLO offers fashionable and high quality clothing at reasonable prices, and was seized as an opportunity to establish a brand position domestically and internationally, combining all the facets of the business from product design to final sales and the operation of the 790 stores around the globe. Primarily offing for a highly brand conscious consumer group, UNIQLO envisions itself as a leading global casual wear company targeting high sales and profitability growth. For UNIQLO, such aim could materialise based on the established strategies such as low cost management, cheapest manufacture and marketing schedules and prioritising customer requirements. Today, UNIQLO is described as the apparel giant Gap, Inc.s counterpart based on the 4, 000% share price increase, making UNIQLO as Japans third largest clothing retailer. However, it is not always victory for UNIQLO; the subsidiary also has its own share of downturns especially on its international expansion. For instance, expansi on programmes in the United Kingdom (UK) saw a tumultuous stumble in profits, forcing Fast Retailing to shut down 16 of the 21 UNIQLO stores opened, because of competition. Most recently, three UNIQLO stores in New Jersey were also closed because of economic slumps. Despite these facts, UNIQLO maintains the spirit and still believed that the brand has only but way forward. How UNIQLO will going to do such is central to this paper, focusing on the companys strategic management. External, industry and competitor analysis as well as the internal environment will be addressed. External Analysis Political Analysis Political factors have direct impact on business conducts and operations. Decisions made by the affects the decision-making of retailers and could come in the form of policy or legislation. In Hong Kong, the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“one country, two systems is the prevalent governance philosophy which endows the special administrative region with a high degree of autonomy and its capitalist economic system. Within a capitalistic and free market-oriented economy, retail companies make the majority of microeconomic decisions but they have to conform to specific agreements. Mainland and HK Closer Partnership Economic Arrangement (CEPA) and the US-China Textile Memorandum of Understanding are two examples of this. The former provides UNIQLO with a tariff-free treatment, stating that products which have no existing CEPA rules of origin will enjoy tariff-free treatment upon applications by local manufacturers. The latter could provide UNIQLO with an opportunity for an annual grow th of 8-17% in 21 categories of Chinese textiles and clothing exports to the US. Labor and customary regulations as well as code of conducts are also complied into including China Social Compliance 9000 and US and EU quotas (RSCA 2006; Doshi 2006). Economic Analysis Domestically and globally, businesses are also being affected by economic factors whereby a strong economy indicates positive results and weak economy signifies the opposite, affecting both businesses and consumers. Hong Kongs gross domestic product is estimated at US$206.7bn with the service sector that contributes 90% of the total GDP. The region is also named as the worlds eleventh largest trading entity. Almost 50% of the total population is employed full-time and the unemployment rate has a continuous average decline by 4.1%, making disposition of income a possibility, a lower cost of living that is (Monthly Digest 2008). Spending is generally devoted for food, housing, healthcare, transportation, amusement, services and apparel. People nowadays are very particular with ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“investing in quality clothing thereby resume spending with premium apparel finds (Doshi 2006). Realising this, the price and quality characteristics of UNIQLO has a strategic fi t; UNIQLO makes people look fashionable and confident in world-class clothes at a reasonable price through the company-wide integration of the Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel (SPA) model, a low-cost but effective operation model. Social Analysis Demography or the population characteristics may determine buying patterns and that understanding demographic changes within a particular region or place facilitates determining whether products and services would appeal to customers as well as the number of potential customers (Barney and Hesterly 2006, p. 35). Hong Kong has a total of 6, 985, 300 population based on 2008 estimate and is continuously growing due to immigrant influx from Mainland. According to Doshi, people in HK and elsewhere have a growing interest in private labels. Consumers aspired for having private levels on everyday garments. Casual wear from HK which is known for good design and quality has a positive image on global consumers. Nevertheless, international brands are concentrated in high-end consumers while domestic brands are for low-end consumers (Doshi, 2006). In taking advantage of the wealth of the demography, UNIQLO makes effort on providing high-quality merchandise and generating values to the societ y by taxes. Further, UNIQLO is a company that is committed in creating positive reputation as manifested in its vision and mission, styles of management, ways of doing business and requirements to employees. Technological Analysis Technological innovations are a priority for the apparel retailing industry but it will remain as labor intensive as it is today. Boosting the industrys productivity, increased in automation has been the recent trend but it is limited on specific functions, to which mostly require human intervention such as sewing and making patterns. Although there are computerised sewing machines that increase the productivity and reduce training time. Further, the uses of computer system software intended for the industry will be on making rough sketches, printing detailed designs and storing of information for easy retrieval. The customer orientation of UNIQLO was basically construed from its website in which customers can give feedbacks by email and discussion board. Hong Productivity Council made a report disclosing that the apparel industry could make sense of information technology (IT) if utilise for order processing, costing analysis, order tracking, material management, reporting and con nectivity (2004). Industry Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis A) Threat of Entry Barney and Hesterly (2006, p. 43) point out that new entrants are the firms which have either recently begun operations or those that threaten to begin operations within an industry soon. Notably, the apparel industry is a buyer-driven industry where producers are considering buyers decision-making especially when brand names enter the picture. These buyer-centric industries have low barriers to entry mainly because of intense competition. Utilising brands as a market power source; however, this is a challenge for every clothing company. In the clothing business, mass customisation has seen to be the most effective strategy. Putting strategises into action remains to be in resilience today (Culpan 2002). Therefore, the focus must be on minimising the costs without sacrificing quality and to do this, managerial know how is a must in order to understand interactions with suppliers and consumers, to facilitate creativity and innovation and to maintain mobility in adapting to new marke t demands (Kincade, Regan and Gibson 2007). Building brand awareness and consumer loyalty is a costly endeavor since it involves advertising needed not only to promote the brand but also on sustaining awareness and loyalty. Strengthening brand names also requires that there are ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“quick response programs to increase revenues and manage risks. One of UNIQLOs major resources is its brand name, which is now synonymous with comfortable, high quality and cheap clothing merchandises. Although brand awareness outside the home country is a challenge, it is of intangible value to UNIQLO as a business asset. Brands are valuable and rare and reputable brands are acquired through the impressions one has of the company, and its products or services. Since a brand name is built overtime it becomes costly to imitate thereby providing a sustainable competitive advantage in the apparel industry (Groucutt, Lydley and Forsyth 2004, p. 285). B) Threat of Rivalry Either in home or host countries, apparels, accessories and merchandise will always have a competitor which usually fluctuates in size. The modern market trends for the apparel industry are globalisation and intensified competition, increasing price and lower profit margin pressures, small quantity with high complexity orders, shorter lead times, multiple location operation, changing customer requirements and liberalisation on textile and clothing quota that creates new market dynamics. Being responsive to these market trends shifts the focus of the apparel industry for more extensive product development and improvements at the least possible cost. Such condition forces companies to divert on product differentiation because of high switching cost. In an industry where products are deemed to be ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“equal, the key sources of differentiation are brand image, reputation and prior existence (Byoungho 2004b). For UNIQLO, the products themselves are an importa nt source of competitive edge. UNIQLO strives at developing products of high quality, in various collections to enable the company to reach the highest possible number of customers. As such, the rivals would be endangered when it comes to introducing innovative products. UNIQLO is positioned in the fashion capitals of the world for the purpose of taking advantage of the new information about fashion trends. UNIQLOs ability to quickly adapt to trends and new markets has helped them develop product differentiation, something that is key to the companys success in the apparel industry. According to Tokle (1990), product differentiation is what separates the top competitors from the rest, but it something that is not costly to imitate. This is why their product differentiation is only a temporary competitive advantage. Competitive advantage could be achieved once the organisation learns to manage its capabilities that the end consumers could appreciate and competitors would find difficu lties imitating (Porter 1985; Roney 2004). C) Threat of Substitutes Casual wear is very particular with loose-fit, comfortable and relaxed fit. Athletic or active wear was perceived to be the closest substitute to casual wear as manifested by the booming athletic wear industry. Typically worn as casual fashion clothing, active attires could provide deterrence in the industry. Moreover, the blurring demarcation on the casual clothing family could be also seen as an opportunity for substitutes. Specialised stores offer semi-casual, smart casual and business casual lines. Semi-casual clothes are less presentational than informal but are not as loose as casual dresses. Smart casual purports conservative looks but with harmony on colors, fabrics, shoes and accessories. Business casual, on the other hand, varies in definition but the common element is the collar. Realising this, the bottomline now is the price. Moreover, based on the SPA business model, all the necessary functions at UNIQLO falls under a single umbrella especially the inbound logistics a nd the production. UNIQLO is an example of a cut-make-trim company in which in which the company purchase the fabric and retain ownership of the raw materials and work-in-process, and so making it hard for rivals to imitate or produce substitutes for UNQILO brands. D) Threat of Suppliers The prices and availability of commonly used fabrics such as cotton, blends, synthetics and wools might fluctuate significantly due to its dependence on demand, crop yields, weather, supply conditions, transportation costs, government regulations and economic condition among others (Byoungho 2004a). Quota is the major factor that affects the demand and supply of textile and fabrics. Even though the sale of raw materials is standardised, independent contractors, raw material suppliers, importers and apparel manufacturing firms could not isolate themselves from such scenario because of the prospective unsteadiness in the supply chain (Chetty 1999). As well, because of forward vertical integration, coupled with the low barrier to entry, suppliers could easily become rivals. In becoming threat of entry, suppliers could be also become a competitor to already established apparel manufacturers. In addition, contractors is also one of the threats when the demand of the labor increases, it will cause labor costs price inflation. Laszlo (2008) stress that there are five main parts of the apparel value chain including raw material supply, provision of components; production networks; export channels and marketing networks at the retail level. Through the process, UNIQLO has an ownership on production and thereby a complete control on the supplies procurement. UNIQLO insources its production and handles the majority of the operational details. Sourcing is a go-to in the apparel industry but it is not rare although it can add value to UNIQLO. E) Threat of Buyers Reaching more and diverse consuming group, the apparel industry is both a stable and unstable industry. Stable because quality price and quality products are the main element and unstable because there are many factors that affect both price and quality. In the point of consumption, for instance, there are ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“middle men such as the retail stores that offer an array of brands. In purchasing manufactured apparel, retail stores could have influence on making significant requirements and demands on their purchase, affecting prices. Though quality is inherent, prices would not be reasonable at all, and alternative clothing is readily available. This explains why apparel manufacturing companies are setting up their own stand along stores which will cater to their own produce. Important is that apparel stores must not fall dependent on s specific class of customer. Buyers are increasingly appearing to prefer above standard apparel with a much lower cost, maki ng apparel less differentiated. When selling directly to consumers, buyers would incur a significant portion of their dispensable cash. Same goes with retail store, they purchase apparel at the least possible final cost, but adds up to prices of apparel. UNIQLO is involve in selling to the customers through specialty store marketing, with a minimalist strategy of pile em high, sell em cheap concept that is. In addition, the unbranded fashion or the no-logo concept was perceived to be the main reasons for peoples warm attention (Williamson 2007; Parrish, Cassill and Oxenham 2006). Competitor Analysis Local Competitors 1) Bossini There are three competitors for UNIQLO: Bossini, Giordano and Muji. Bossini International Holdings Limited is an apparel brand owner, retailer and franchiser nestled in Hong Kong. From its onset in 1987, Bossini continued to grow both domestically and internationally. Today, the global distribution network is comprised of 551 directly managed and franchised outlets in Mainland, 322 export franchised outlets, 178 directly managed outlets in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia and 1, 051 outlets in 20 countries. Taking pride on its Bossini brand that is comfortable, easy to mix-and-match, colorful and energetic like the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“Family-Fit brand, Bossini was able to cater to various consumer requirements in a value for money fashion (Bossini Annual Report 2006/2007). The strength of the brand and the people was drawn from the seven practices: face reality, keep it simple, act with the speed of light, set stretch goals, drive quality, create and sustai n a learning organisation and keep the A, nurture the B and discard the C. Through this set of practices, Bossini puts emphasis on quality, efficiency and profitability as a source of competitive edge. The company is also continuously building brand awareness by means of innovative cross-regional marketing activities. In enhancing its supply chain, Bossini shorten the product cycle from design to store and will continue to build string ties with them in a proactive manner. Building up an IT system is a strategy meant to drive future growth and profitability. Though the company deals with closure of unsuccessful outlets whenever necessary to divert their attention to areas which needs a closer concentration and with participating in broad campaigns and dual-branding to promote the products and to expand market reach, Bossini is more focused on its four core markets. 2) Giordano Established in 1981, Giordano is one among the popular and established casual apparel retailer in Asia Pacific Region which employs about 11, 000 staff with over 1, 895 shops operating in 30 territories worldwide. From its restructuring from 1986, the company prepared for international expansion, which was made possible by the initial success in Hong Kong, Mainland and neighboring countries such as Taiwan and Singapore. Known as the most successful homegrown retail stores, Giordano is a pioneering company that participated in drafting of code of practice in the retailing scene and introduced innovations such as the total shopping experience where customers are greeted individually in the doorstops and bade goodbye unto when leaving the store. Envisioning itself in making people feel good while looking great, the companys main strategy is its ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“For the People philosophy wherein quality, knowledge, innovation, service and simplicity are at the core. As an apparel of choice, Giordano is also committed in providing simplicity of design, quality workmanship, attentive customer service and value-for-money, allowing the company to strongly build its own loyal following (Giordano 2008). Though the four brands Giordano Ladies, Giordano Concepts, Giordano and Giordano Junior are constantly profitable, the weakness is that Giordano has a limited range of products and that consumers may grew tired of the existing concepts. 3) Muji Ryohin Keikaku, better known as Muji, is an outgrowth from The Seiyu, Ltd. In becoming a separate brand, Muji develops range of apparel, household goods and food that takes pride on being functional, simple and of high quality. Literally means ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“no brand, the over 700 Muji products observes the philosophy of simplicity. Primarily purporting an individualistic and diversified lifestyle, Muji follows three processes that is said to be the reason for proving good quality products at lower prices. These are selection of materials, streamlining processes and simplification of packaging. The companys emphasis on preventing materials wastage and improvement of essential product quality as well as time and labor optimisation are the key in achieving operational effectiveness and efficiency. The selection of materials is a very important stage for Muji where suitable raw materials are the main concern. Bulk buying is a strategy wherein quality is the ind ispensable criterion, underpinning the possibility of producing high quality, low prices products. Thereby, the weakness is on changes in demand and supply of raw materials. Standards at manufacturing stages are also under close scrutiny in order to eliminate waste and reduce cost. When it comes to packaging, Muji sticks to the simplicity philosophy, bearing only product related information and the price tag (Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.). International Competitors 4) Gap Gap, Inc. and United Colors of Benetton are the two international competitors for UNIQLO. Gap, Inc. has been officially incorporated in 1988 as a global specialty and outlet store which offers casual apparel, accessories and personal care products. Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Piperlime are the four primary brands. As a way of building the value of the brands, Gap is very fastidious with brand development, ensuring that value will be integrated from product design to distribution onto marketing, merchandising and shopping environments. The strong point of Gap is its continuous commitment in enhancing the brand; in fact, Gap has an intensive portfolio of brands covering classically styled, high quality, casual apparel at moderate prices for virtually all ages. However, the weakness is on inventory turnover. Emphasising style, quality and good value, Gap embraces a shopper friendly environment where store facades vary depending on selling season, size and location of the store. Just like UNIQLO, Gap is never threatened of closing under-performing stores and expanding and remodeling existing stores (Gap Annual Report 2006). 5) Benetton A global clothing brand which is based in Treviso, Italy, the name Benetton originated from the Benetton family who founded the company in 1965. Now in existence in over 120 countries, Benetton started with only 5 stores in 1979 which were bounded to reach 800 stores today. The 5, 500 network of contemporary stores worldwide are the reason for generating a total turnover of 2 billion euro. Fashion apparel is the core business wherein quality, style and passion through the brands such as United Color of Benetton, Sisley, Playlife and Killer Loop are the main concerns. Mixing energy, colors and practicality, Benetton offers a portfolio of products for men, women and kids. The strength is in its innovation and IT integration in producing 160 million garments annually. At Benetton, superior product quality is achieved through committing every stage of the production process with innovation and creativity. The weakness is on the tendency for incoherent diversification (Benetton website 2008). Common to all the competitors of UNIQLO, either domestic or international, is the international expansion strategy known as the judo strategy or the conscious decision to move rapidly into new markets where there is uncontested ground.(Hilburt-Davis 2002), and providing the best value of money based on distinct brands. Product differentiation, low cost production and gateway market penetration like UK and the Mainland are other strategies that these competitors pursue, in the same way like UNQILO is doing. It is important that brands must conform to the needs of the customers of varying age structures and preferences and producing brands where value was mounted from the very first step. Quality and customer service are the main concerns, followed by style or design and functionality. Brand development and building brand awareness as well as the overall look of the establishment are also the priorities. Common also to Bossini and Gap is the closure of unproductive stores/ou tlets while Benetton takes pride in its IT integration in production. Bossini also engages in dual-branding in terms of marketing. Since it is also common to all of these competitors to conceptualised product portfolio, the weaknesses are on incoherence in diversifying the products, apart from inventory turnover and focusing on core markets. Typically, when these scenarios happen production will be affected and it would not be advisable for those companies which are into bulk buying especially that the styles are immediately paced out. For UNIQLO, the weaknesses of the domestic and global competitors could be reaped off as new strategies and the strengths could be manipulated as new advantages. The UNIQLO could be upgraded in opening flagships stores in every gateway market so as to equally diversify brands and gateway locations, catering to all forms of demographics. For UNIQLO, product mix and shopping spree would be plausible especially if it will come in bolder shades, with b etter quality and cheaper prices, but are manufactured based on forecasted demands. To take advantage of the opportunities that competitors impose, UNIQLO must also open its horizon into new product trends including the silver market and the plus-size market as part of the brand concepts. Although all of the competing companies including UNQILO are into casual, everyday wear, what will set UNQILO apart from them is the potential of easy care clothing where fabrics are very fluid and/or wrinkle free. Internal Analysis SWOT Analysis 1) Strengths UNIQLO was deemed successful because of its commitment in divergence which supports the individuality of each family member as well as those with fashion-forward and edgy people. These products are of expected high quality because of the effective global materials procurement. Given this, UNIQLOs products are designed parallel with the customer requirements and worldwide markets trends. Voice of the Consumer (VOC) is one of the key in building the most effective brands. For UNIQLO, however, this is not enough, it should be joined with direct engagement in value chain process and doing it through a low-cost, quality-driven manner. In the post production stage, it is also important for UNQILO to obtain effective distribution management and inventory control. UNIQLO is an expert in store development thereby efficient store operation in addition. 2) Weaknesses Japan and Fast Retailing are devoted in simple, functional clothing with minimalist clothing details rather than cutting edge, extravagant clothing. This is the mark of UNIQLO, but could also be its major weakness in penetrating fashion-oriented places such as London, Paris and New York whereby fashion element of UNIQLO products are very limited. Another weakness is that UNIQLO belongs to a multi-layer distribution structured industry; distribution digestibility is hard, leading to clogging in distribution inventory. UNIQLO is also originally designed for low-end consumers and that they will face a head-to-head competition with all kinds of market such as high end, high street, ethical consumers and cut-price shoppers when operating abroad. In some places, profitability is largely determined by the opportunities of retail season like back-to-school and holidays. In both cases, UNIQLO must already acquire the necessary managerial and operational competences prior to establishing a p resence in these places; but in the case that UNIQLO would not be able to tap on being responsive enough to these threats; this will impact the business results. 3) Opportunities Belonging to an industry where fashion and apparel market trends are unending, UNIQLO is operating in a global business where companies direction and business activities are always expanding. Globalisation provides the apparel industry with grater simultaneity with the help of technology, facilitating the exchange of information with speedier level. Because of interdependence, free trade zone has also seen as profitable because fashion, textile and apparel markets became borderless. While also making larger profits, UNIQLO could invest in social influence or its corporate social responsibility. Whats left for UNQILO is to grab the opportunity of a faster information and knowledge transfer from these locations through a full force IT integration including the customers. The teenager market is also another opportunity the UNIQLO could exploit since this group is very meticulous in value shopping and they have preferences of where to shop and how to shop. 4) Threats Changes in economic conditions, changes in consumption trends and intense competition are just three of the treats that UNQILO, and all other apparel firms, is currently facing. Foreign currency affects the business conduct of UNIQLO because of the locational position of the operations. Johnson and Scholes (2002) relate that strategic positioning is an imperative in realising the strategic capabilities of organisations. UNIQLO has a geographically dispersed operation: fashion designers are in Tokyo, New York and Paris, garnering first hand information in fashion trends; manufacturing departments are in China where cheap labors reside; headquarter is still in Japan which takes responsibility in strategic decision making. Labor and materials could fluctuate depending in the performance of yen comparable to US dollars. In events that the economy of either one of the mentioned locations drifts, UNIQLOs operation will be shaken. In addition, the apparel industry where UNIQLO plays as a major player is contaminated with customers influences where the possibility of switching brands is always a possibility. Conclusion Described as the equivalent of Gap, UNIQLO is increasingly becoming known in the global apparel industry. UNIQLO continued to be a brand of preference because of the quality, simplicity, functionality and cheaper prices of the merchandises. Although UNIQLO is politically influenced by CEPA and US-China memorandum, UNQILO invests only on opportunities that are profitable, advantageous and will purport the continuous geographic expansion of the company. UNIQLO has an advantage when it comes to individual spending basically because clothing is a basic need. While at it, however, UNIQLO must not ignore the social aspects of doing business which is to provide people empowerment when it comes to giving to the government through tax. The company is also committed in enhancing customer service through acquiring the VOC. Entering the apparel market is relatively easy; however, new entrants must face the challenges of building brand awareness and coping with the emergences of new trends. There are at least five major rivals for UNIQLO Bossini, Giordano, Muji, Gap and Benetton. All these rivals are involved in continuous product differentiation since, depending on the fashion trends, substitutes could instantly emerge. Because of the SPA model, UNIQLOs processes are inherently rare; sense of ownership in process responsibilities is the key. The pile em high, sell em cheap concept, as well, is an attribute unique to UNIQLO. In sum, the prevalent strategy at UNIQLO is the continuous domestic and global expansion and low cost production and management, achieved through continuous strengthening of the already reputable brand, ownership of processes, obtaining the VOC, sound distribution and inventory control and efficient store operations. To evaluate, the current strategies of UNIQLO are providing the business with immense profitability and growth. However, UNIQLO already has a record of mistake in focusing more and prioritising international expansions; thus hurtin g the reputation of the company specially in terms of managerial capacity, expertise and competence. There remains the fact that the products lag behind the quality of the products generated from the fashion centers of the worldwide considering that designers are already in that places. A fact also is that UNIQLO has an immature experience curve in aspects of global market penetration. Shutting down of 16 of the 20 stores in the UK in 2001 and 3 stores in New Jersey are clear-cut evidences of the incompetence on the side of UNIQLO. Global integration proved to be futile especially because UNIQLO is easily shaken up by global economic changes. UNIQLO admits that the closure of the New Jersey stores is because of the recent recessions and investment drifts in the US. In the UK, stores faced closure because of the failure to recognise the consumer preferences of Britons, which are very different with that of Asians and Japanese per se. There are two recommendations for UNIQLO: Asian market integration and establishment on an online shopping site. The first centers the idea that UNIQLO is an Asian product and must be initially offered to Asian consumers. The appreciation of Asian consumers, though they also vary depending on individual cultures, would be much higher compared to that of the Westerners. There are several fashion or brand oriented countries in Asia that UNIQLO has yet to discover such as the Philippines, for instance. Filipinos consider clothing as a staple and the apparel industry in the country is a booming industry. Nonetheless, Filipinos have the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“invest in quality perception where quality is the primary concern and price is secondary; but if there are products that combine these two features, it will be much appreciated. In addition, export costs would be limited. Online retailing is a proven successful endeavor. Different types of markets and industries are growing because of globalization and the introduct ion of new information technologies, as well as the pioneer which is the Internet. The key requirements are now centered in quality, speed-to-market, flexibility, innovation, networks, customer service and customization. Internet advertising or sometimes called, as web advertising is a type of advertising in which a person can control or customize the information according to his/her interest with the use of internet (Hanson 2000). Internet advertising provides instant interaction and connection to the consumers since the buyers or the audiences are the one who decides on what ad to view favorable to the field of their interest. UNIQLO could provide the consumers with the power to control the opportunity in establishing an on-line participation through the use of internet and reaching the most number of locations at the same time minus the need to establish a store in a particular place. 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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Jacques Louis David Essay - 2128 Words

David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and from this break modern art is dated. David studied with Vien, and after winning the Prix de Rome (which had been refused him four times, causing him to attempt suicide by starvation) he accompanied Vien to Italy in 1775. His pursuit of the antique, nurtured by his time in Rome, directed the classical revival in French art. He borrowed classical forms and motifs, predominantly from sculpture, to illustrate a sense of virtue he mistakenly†¦show more content†¦During the Restoration David spent his last years in Brussels. As a portraitist he was at his most distinguished, although he belittled this painting genre. Using living, rather than sculptured models, he allowed his spontaneous sentiment to be revealed. In these last years his portraits, such as Antoine Mongez and His Wife Angelica (1812; Lille) and Bernard (1820; Louvre) are enormously vital and in them the seeds of the new romanticism are clearly discernible. Jacques-Louis David was born into a prosperous middle-class family in Paris on August 30, 1748. In 1757 his mother left him to be raised by his uncles after his father was killed. He was never a good student in school- in his own words, I was always hiding behind the instructors chair, drawing for the duration of the class. When David was 16 he began studying art at the Acadeacute;mie Royale under the rococo painter J. M. Vien. After many unsuccessful attempts, he finally won the Prix de Rome in 1774, and on the ensuing trip to Italy he was strongly influenced by classical art and by the classically inspired work of the 17th-century painter Nicolas Poussin. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on The True Villian in Frankenstein - 1590 Words

Mary Shelly wrote the Gothic tale Frankenstein. In the novel, who is the true villain, the Monster or Victor Frankenstein? Which character do you have the most sympathy for? Mary Shelly wrote the novel â€Å"Frankenstein† using gothic techniques. Nearly 200 years after the book was first published in 1818 the readers still debate about the real villain of the story. Victor Frankenstein could be the hero of the story; the reader sympathises with him when he suffers the loss of his mother, his brother William, wife Elizabeth, his father and friend Clerval. This extreme suffering that Victor goes through is a characteristic of romantic heroes. Also as Victor is narrating it emphasises the suffering that he goes through. We also feel†¦show more content†¦The fact he also has no parents is reflected on that he has no name; a child’s name is normally given by their parents. This makes the reader feel sorry for the monster as it emphasises the fact that he has been abandoned by Victor and has no parents. The theme of alienation is carried on throughout the story and can be seen in the point of the De Lacey’s who are thrown out of France. The monster is also alienated by the De Lacey’s who reject him even though helps them out as he grows to love them. He is rejected as Felix, Agatha and Safie return and see him with the old man. This rejection and alienation makes the reader feel sorry for the monster as it is purely prejudice of his looks. The readers see the monster as very calm as he restrains his anger when he sees Victor and doesn’t harm him. Also his language is very eloquent and persuasive he compares Frankenstein to God saying that Victor is his, â€Å"natural lord and king† and that he ought to be Victor’s Adam. The monster flatters Victor and uses rhetorical questions to get Victor thinking so that he would listen to his story and this is all after he is threatened and insulted by him. Also the monster regrets what he did to Victor this shows that he has feelings and a conscience. The reader feels for the monster because of the use of embedded narration, which allows the readers to see the storyShow MoreRelatedThe Consequences Of Technology On Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Essay1703 Words   |  7 PagesThe Consequences of Technology Revealed in Shelley s Frankenstein In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, written in the late nineteenth century, the author proposes that knowledge and technology can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of the first cautionary tales about scientific research. Shelley s novel offers profound insight of the consequences of morally insensitive scientific and technological research. Learn from me. . . at least by my exampleRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe s Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, And The Tell Tale Heart1579 Words   |  7 PagesGothic Frankenstein The amount of scary books, dark video games and horror movies in the horror genre is unparalleled by any other single genre. People who take part in this genre enjoy the heart-pounding thrill of being scared or the long drawn out tension that causes them to sit on the edge of their seat. Historically many of the early examples of the horror or gothic genre like Dracula by Bram Stoker, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, and The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Phonics Definition and Examples in English

A method of teaching reading based on the sounds of letters, groups of letters, and syllables  is known as phonics. This method of teaching reading is commonly contrasted with whole language approaches, which emphasize learning whole words in meaningful contexts. During the 19th century, phonics was commonly used as a synonym for phonetics. In the 20th century, phonics acquired its present meaning as a method of teaching reading. In practice,  phonics  refers to several different but generally overlapping methods of instruction. Four of those methods are summarized below. Analytic(al) Phonics During the 1960s, numerous basal reading series included a manual outlining how to teach each story. The manual included a program for ​analytical phonics instruction that recommended that the teacher use known words and ask children to analyze the phonetic elements in these words. . . .Analytic phonics relies on readers knowing a large number of words at sight. Drawing from known sight words, teachers directed students to make inferences about the phonic relationships within words containing the same letter combinations. In other words, the student matched the sounds in a known word with the sounds in the new word (Walker, 2008). . . .However, in the 1960s, some reading programs differed from the mainstream basal readers that used analytic phonics. A few basal readers included instruction using linguistic units that had recurring patterns. The linguistic-phonics system used the idea that the English language had recurring written patterns that were systematic to develop their program.(Barbara J. Walker, History of Phonics Instruction. An Essential History of Current Reading Practices, ed. by Mary Jo Fresch. International Reading Association, 2008) Linguistic Phonics In linguistic phonics, beginning instruction usually focuses on the word patterns found in words like cat, rat, mat, and bat. These selected words are presented to the students. Children need to make generalizations about the short a sound by learning these words in print. Consequently, linguistic phonics lessons are based on decodable books that present repetitions of a single pattern (Mat saw a cat and a rat). . . . Linguistic phonics . . . is like analytic phonics in that it emphasizes word patterns rather than individual letter sounds. However, linguistic phonics is not typically espoused by top-down advocates, because it does not emphasize naturally occurring text.(Ann Maria Pazos Rago, The Alphabetic Principle, Phonics, and Spelling: Teaching Students the Code. Reading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners, ed. by Jeanne Shay Schumm. Guilford Press, 2006) Synthetic Phonics The sounding-out-and-blending approach to decoding is known as synthetic phonics. In a synthetic phonics program, students are taught to decode new words by retrieving from memory the sound that each letter, or combination of letters, in a word represents and blending the sounds into a recognizable word (National Reading Panel, 2000). It is a parts-to-whole approach (Strickland, 1998).(Irene W. Gaskins, Interventions to Develop Decoding Proficiencies. Handbook of Reading Disability Research, ed. by Richa Allington and Anne McGill-Franzen. Routledge, 2011) Embedded Phonics Embedded approaches to teaching  phonics involve students in learning phonics skills by reading authentic texts. This approach may be compared to whole language; however, embedded phonics involves planned skills taught within the context of authentic literature. Embedded phonics formed in response to the intense criticism experienced by the whole language movement, and highlights the role of phonics instructions within the context of authentic literature. (Mark-Kate Sableski, Phonics. Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent, ed. by Thomas C. Hunt, James Carper, Thomas J. Lasley, and C. Daniel Raisch. Sage, 2010) Summary In summary, deep and thorough knowledge of letters, spelling patterns, and words, and of the phonological translations of all three, are of inescapable importance to both skillful reading and its acquisition. By extension, instruction designed to develop childrens sensitivity to spellings and their reactions to pronunciations should be of paramount importance in the development of reading skills. This is, of course, precisely what is intended of good phonic instruction.(Marilyn Jager Adams, Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print. MIT Press, 1994)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparison Of Ifrs And Gaap - 978 Words

A Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Numerous oversight organizations implement and monitor the generally accepted accounting principles, also referred to as GAAP, of their individual countries. GAAP are in place to maintain a level of consistency between the reports of individual firms, Issues arise, however when a company operates in several countries. To address these problems, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) developed the International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS. The IFRS are superseding GAAP as the official reporting structure of many countries and as of July 2014, 283 have adopted the IASB’s new rule book (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2014). The transition to IFRS has spawned a worldwide dialog of investors and analysts discussing the effects it will have on reporting and the implications this move carries into the future. This paper will review some financial reporting standards, the major distinctions between the U.S. GAAP and IFRS, and the competitive advantages and disadvantages of altering the U.S. reporting structure. Objective of Financial Reporting IFRS and GAAP both insist on information being faithfully represented and relevant. Faithfully represented data consistently adheres to proper trade standards and is conservatively reported. Any financial information that is deemed important to the users of an organization’s financial statement is considered relevant and should always be included. There are many similarities between the twoShow MoreRelatedComparison Of IFRS to GAAP Essay1192 Words   |  5 PagesComparing IFRS to GAAP Albert Payne ACC/290 11/14/2014 Daniela Trudel Comparing IFRS to GAAP This paper looks at relevant comparisons of IFRS, â€Å"International Financial Reporting Standards† and GAAP, â€Å"Generally Accepted Accounting Principles†. These two frameworks of accounting principles and practices share a lot of standards and procedures, but also differ on accepted policies. This paper will answer those standards and differences but also show the comparison of the twoRead MoreGAAP vs. IFRS comparison1264 Words   |  6 PagesGAAP/IFRS Financial Statement Comparison Through this course we have been taking a closer look into the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The book lays out the major similarities and differences between the two separate but equal accounting methods. I say, â€Å"Equal†, in the sense that the IFRS and GAAP accounting methods are two different ways that the any company that could come to the conclude the financial statementsRead MoreComparison of Canadian Gaap and Ifrs1624 Words   |  7 Pagesto report under Canadian GAAP and instead use IFRS. This paper discusses three accounting topics to compare Canadian GAAP with IFRS. The three topics cover (1) conceptual framework, (2) property, plant and equipment, and (3) financial statement presentation. Conceptual Framework Both IFRS and Canadian GAAP are based on similar conceptual frameworks. Many of the basic concepts in IFRS (e.g., the going concern assumption, accrual accounting) are similar to Canadian GAAP. Many recognition and measurementRead MoreSimilarities and Differences. a Comparison of Ifrs and Us Gaap33264 Words   |  134 PagesSimilarities and Differences A comparison of IFRS and US GAAP October 2007 PricewaterhouseCoopers’ IFRS and corporate governance publications and tools 2007 IFRS technical publications IFRS Manual of Accounting 2008 Provides expert practical guidance on how groups should prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Comprehensive publication including hundreds of worked examples, extracts from company reports and model financial statements. IFRS News Monthly newsletterRead MoreSimilarities Between Ifrs And International Financial Reporting Standards Essay813 Words   |  4 PagesIn this research project, we will be comparing the similarities and differences between IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), specifically in the cash flow statement, and we will be using Apple vs Samsung’s financial statement and stock price to compare the similarities and differences between IFRS and GAAP. 2. Motivation(Vicki) Today, with increasing globalization in the business world, many investors are looking for opportunitiesRead MoreUS GAAP vs IFRS Essay884 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿US GAAP versus IFRS Due to the controversy economies have had towards which method to use for accounting, there has been a compromise to converge the two most commonly used methods – GAAP and IFRS. However, these two methods are still very different. The convergence project has yet to be completed; in the meantime, more and more countries are running towards the IFRS since it is more reliable and relevant. The main difference between these two methods is the US GAAP is rule-based while the IFRSRead MoreGaap Vs. Ifrs Standards1366 Words   |  6 PagesGAAP vs. IFRS Standards GAAP generally accepted accounting principle The Financial Accounting Standard Board issues GAAP, which focus on the practices of US companies. GAAP is known as the common set of rules, standards and procedures for accounting used in financial reporting. â€Å"GAAP is the combination of authoritative standards (set by policy boards) and the commonly accepted ways of recording and reporting accounting information† (, 2003). Companies follow GAAP rules to clarifyRead MoreInternational Financial Reporting Standards And The United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles942 Words   |  4 PagesReporting Standards (IFRS) and the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). Secondly, it will provide the needed information to transition the financial statements of Incorporated to the IFRS from its current reporting standards as outlined by the U.S. GAAP. Thirdly, it will provide an in depth analysis of the changes that will be made to the financial statements. Finally, it will outline the visual differences between the U.S. GAAP and the IFRS balance sheet financialRead MoreGaap Vs Gaap And Ifrs1135 Words   |  5 PagesCurrent GAAP GAAP is an acronym for Generally accepted Accounting Practices. These a common set of accounting standards, principles and procedures that are used by companies while compiling their financial statements. A combination of standards set forth by policy boards and the commonly accepted ways of recording financial information, GAAP is deemed necassary or companies to generate investor confidence. Any fundamental investor looking at a company for long term prospects looks for consistencyRead MoreThe American Institute Of Accountants862 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1939, the AIA also known as The American Institute of Accountants formed the Committee on Accounting Procedure that issued 51 accounting research bulletins and began the process that eventually became known as the GAAP. In 1957, the American Institute of Accountants was renamed AICPA or American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The AICPA or American Institute of Certified Public Accountants formed the Accounting Principl es Board in 1959, which issued their 31 APB Opinions. The FASB

Will robots take your job Free Essays

In a world of technological advancements we ask a simple question. Will robots take our Jobs? In my personal opinion I believe they will and sort of already have in a small way. Judging by the readings in the book we can certainly see many ways robots have already started to take over Jobs by replacing people with self-check kiosk, Tam’s and pay at the pump self-service stations. We will write a custom essay sample on Will robots take your job or any similar topic only for you Order Now As stated in the book the employer can cut jack cost by purchasing â€Å"humanoids† to do Jobs more proficiently than humans. So with that being said you can see how it’s possible that with advances in technology robots will take our Jobs. Check your daily routines and see how fast and easy it is for you to effectively use some sort of robotic to simplify your life in the public setting. Let’s go to the store and all we need is gas. Simply slide your debit card at the island pumps and then you pump and go. K we need some quick cash so to avoid waiting on a bank teller we stop by an ATM grab the cash and go. Now its break time at work and you have to be back in a hurry, you have a few options here. Again you can insert money into a vending machine or go to a restaurant and use the express kiosk. Just when you thought you were done you got to stop by the grocery store and pick up something to cook for supper. These lines are looking pretty long and backed up because the store is very busy, so you opt to use the U-Scan. Looking back at this daily routine we can see how robots have already taken the place of certain human jobs. Don’t get me wrong you can always go into these business’s and have that interaction with the associate if you would like but, when most people are in a hurry they can use the slide your card and go method as I call it Just as effectively. Let’s take an adventure to the employers’ point of view when it comes to robots or â€Å"humanoids† taking Jobs. One of the biggest reasons they will consider this option instead of hiring someone is that the humanoids will be able to save them money. Costing around $10,000 dollars to purchase a humanoid the employer can save on average $5,080 a year to employ them versus an actually human, based on paying someone to come in and do the Job at a minimum wage rate. Another reason is that you can expect the humanoids to happily do the Job and do it so proficiently. Now only will they be able to do your Job but they will do it better. Cooking, cleaning, placing orders, building houses, driving cars and even flying planes are some of the jobs at risk. We certainly have the technology now to replace workers the only reason we haven’t implemented robots into these position is because they don’t have senses such as sight, hearing and ways of expressing emotion to the customer. Furthermore we can conclude that in the future robots will and such be expected to take our Jobs. You can say no this can’t be possible, but look at how technology is ever changing. Just as computers have changed over time from fitting one in an entire room to now we can wear them on our wrist and drop them into our pockets. The market for robots to take over will be the future. By 2050 they will be perfected to proficiently How to cite Will robots take your job, Papers

Organisational Behaviour Concepts and Applications

Question: Discuss about the Organisational Behaviour Concepts and Applications. Answer: Introduction The case study is related to Deloitte and the way its program can lend a hand with having successful hiring practices and retention of the staff members. In the case study, the company discusses the way its educational programs are an effective move for giving the chance to the candidates to raise their aptitude and efficiency levels. This particular Teach First program adopted by the company is highly admirable and appreciable. The purpose of the essay is to figure out the management approach used by the company. Along with this, an assessment of the hiring practices needed in order to make sure that the company is successful enough to build up a better potential amongst the available number of employees. Each organization has to realize the way workers can give more input and can contribute towards attainment of its goals and objectives (Wiewiora, Trigunarsyah, Murphy Coffey, 2013). Management Approach After going through the case study, it can be very well noticed that the company Deloitte considers Scientific Management Approach. According to this approach, the scientific study of the work methods is a must to lift up the productivity levels at the part of the employees. Moreover, the approach concentrates on the nature of the job and locating the way it can be carried out in the most effective manner. This necessitates for proper training in order to help the person learn the way job has to be carried on competently. This particular management approach has contributed towards the introduction of the training and development programs, rewarding the workers with the most innovative techniques. The development of the teams to make sure that the pursuit of the common organizational goals takes place. Most importantly, it also sees to it that the workers are rewarded as per their productivity levels. In this case, the company Deloitte introduced the Teach First program in order to bring forth more of talent and ability on the part of the employees. Deloitte is a renowned company that offers audit, tax, consulting, and consulting service to many of the world's most well-liked brands. This is the reason that the company looks forward to the most talented and equipped candidates that have the best knowledge and information pertaining to the tasks allocated to them. With the help of the scientific management approach, the company is successful enough to have a pool of candidates all over the globe that are performing their duties with utmost effectiveness. The Deloittes Career Connections are also an effective way to lend a hand to the employees that are not happy with their job positions. It supports them to figure out the best possible way to gain interest and involvement towards the job. The management approach of the company is very much appropriate as it goes well with the ongoing circumstances and helps to have the elite class well-versed with the tasks and obligations allocated (Sua, Baird Blair, 2013). Strengths and Weaknesses The hiring program of the company is effective enough as it gives chance to the candidates to go through the different levels and to have all the possible knowledge to perform their part effectively. The strengths are offering the platform to perk up their skills and competencies, to possess all the knowledge and information needed to carry on with the assigned role, getting the chance to become a part of such a big venture, and gaining all the practical and theoretical knowledge to satisfy the customers and help the company grow and progress with utmost effectiveness. The weaknesses of the hiring program are that the company does not concentrate on the persons emotional intellect. There hardly rests any scope for team development, motivation, personality grooming, and innovation aspects. The human approach is very much missing and that holds vital importance in todays situation (Wood, 2015). The personality characteristics that Deloitte is seeking are to be goal-oriented, disciplined, subject expert, committed, organized, and most importantly productive. These are the key traits that are very much looked in the candidates. These are surely going to help the candidates to serve on the expectations of the company. It is a must in order to become a part of such a famous and big venture (Landells Albrecht, 2017). Recommendations The company Deloitte is in a great need to work more on its hiring practices and to think over the way to retain its staff members. There is no doubt that the companys management approach is a perfect way to hire the most competent and talented people. But, at the same time, the company do not lay emphasis on the other aspects such as job attitude, motivation, personality, and the Human approach (Harrison Baird, 2015). In current business setting, this seems to be very much important in order to mark long-lasting presence and to satisfy the workers. It is a must from the part of the company to think of the ways to introduce the motivational aspects to help the workers find their job more of interesting and exciting. Motivation part is found lacking as the company aims more on maintaining the number of talented people. New hires are not considered by the company and it is more of concern for the retention of the available workforce. There is no doubt that the company thinks of employees career objectives and do the needful. But, it also has to think of some other ways to make employees motivated such as having an effective workplace ambiance, involvement in companys affairs, diversity management, and promoting the group and team development (Howell, Kirk-Brown Cooper, 2012). Conclusion At the end, it can be very well stated that the organizational behavior helps the company understand the behavior of its workers and that complements its working and functioning. It can also be taken in a way that the company Deloittes way to hiring and retaining staff is good enough but lack some areas that make it detached from its human resources. The company does not make proper use of the organizational behavior and that can create issues in the future period of time. This is the reason that the company should think of this area and need to consider workers self-development together with the companys growth. Motivation has to be effectively applied to receive better performance on the part of the workers. References Harrison, G.L. Baird, K.M. (2015). The organizational culture of public sector organizations in Australia. Australian Journal of Management, Vol.40(4), pp: 613-629. Howell, A., Kirk-Brown, A. Cooper, B.K. (2012). Does congruence between espoused and enacted organizational values predict affective commitment in Australian organizations? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.23(4), p: 731-747. Landells, E. Albrecht, S. (2017). The Positives and Negatives of Organizational Politics: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol.32(1), pp: 41-58. Sua, S., Baird, K. Blair, B. (2013). Employee organizational commitment in the Australian public sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.24(2), p.243. Wiewiora, A., Trigunarsyah, B., Murphy, G. Coffey, V. (2013). Organizational culture and willingness to share knowledge: A competing values perspective in Australian context. International Journal of Project Management, Vol.31(8), pp: 1163-1174. Wood, J. (2015). Organisational Behaviour Core Concepts and Applications, (4th ed.), ProQuest.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Moronic and idiotic Essay Example For Students

Moronic and idiotic Essay In the opening stage directions Priestley creates a relaxed atmosphere by a group of people celebrating and having a little party. Priestley shows its relaxed by telling us whats on the table. The objects on the table are all products that help people more laid back and joyful, decanter of port, cigar box and cigarettes. Also the light in the room is pink and intimate which is calm on your eyes and which shows everything is calm and peaceful between the characters at the moment. Lighting should be pink and intimate until the inspector arrives, and the it should be brighter and harder. This tells the audience the inspector is bringing strife to the celebration and he will cause a lot of tension. The furniture looks important and heavily comfortable but not cosy and homelike. It has good solid furniture of the period. The general effect is substantial and heavily comfortable but not cosy and homelike. This says the furniture is just to show off and really for the family to sit around showing they care more about money than each other. Mrs Birling has a wealthy family so shes always been wealthy but Mr Birling had to work hard for he money he earned by himself. His wife is about fifty, a rather cold woman and her husbands social superior. Mr Birling is a bit jealous of his wife cause she didnt have to work for her wealth and he did. Also because hes the man of the family he feels its his job to have the most money and to look after his wife and children. This shows a hint of tension between Mr and Mrs Birling from the jealousy Priestley shows a relaxed atmosphere in the beginning of Act One by having all the glasses filled and having Birling in a joyful mood. They now have all the glasses filled. Birling beams at them and clearly relaxes. Later on Gerald produces a ring case to Sheila with the ring he wanted her to have. Sheila and Mrs Birling are especially delighted about the ring Oh its wonderful! Look mummy isnt it a beauty This makes the atmosphere more relaxed by Sheila getting the special engagement ring she was waiting for. Birling speaks a lot about his business and he tells Gerald Shell make you happy and Im sure youll make her happy. Youre just the son-in-law I always wanted. Mr Birling wants to make sure this wedding actually happens so hes sucking up to Gerald. Birling only wants the wedding to happen because Gerald owns a company, which competes with his company, so he will make more money. Perhaps we may look forward to the time when the Crofts and Birling are no longer competing but working together for low costs and higher prices. This shows Birling doesnt really care that his daughters getting married but how he can make more money from her marriage. What he says shows he believes in capitalism. He makes the occasion less delightful by talking about business rather often and the audience think Birling is moronic and idiotic. Eric is supposed to be rather shy but he is being a bit strange and rude. In the opening stage directions it says Eric is half shy, half assertive. Eric isnt being like that hes being quite loud and creates a bit of a mystery why hes not being his normal self. Eric says rather noisily all the best! Shes got a nasty temper sometimes but shes not bad really. Good old Sheila. Eric has had a bit too much to drink but hes still acting unusual. Eric creates more of mystery by randomly laughing, Eric suddenly guffaws Sheila then says severely Now whats the joke? Eric replies, I dont know really. .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 , .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .postImageUrl , .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 , .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:hover , .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:visited , .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:active { border:0!important; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:active , .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9 .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua9bac8f9f4b32ff1f31eab717ec6e0a9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo and Julietby William Shakespeare EssaySuddenly I felt I just had to laugh. Eric creates tension by not acting normal and all the characters notice hes being a bit strange and wonder why. Hes being louder than usual to try and show nothing is wrong with him. Theres dramatic irony in Birlings speech because Preistley set the play in 1912 and it was then shown in 1946. Preistley uses dramatic irony to show Birling as an unintelligent person. Birling said, Germans dont want war, Nobody wants war and there were two world wars the first one in 1914 and the second between 1939 1945 and the Germans started the second world war. This shows Birling as a dumb man. Birling then talks about the Titanic and how its going to be unsinkable, he says New York in five days and every luxury and unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable. Everyone knows the Titanic didnt reach New York and it sank. Birling makes himself look more unintelligent the more he talks. Birling then said about in 1940s Therell be peace and prosperity. But the audience knows he couldnt have got that more wrong because in 1940 world war two was happening. Birling believes in capitalism and everything he predicts he gets wrong that makes the audience think capitalism is the wrong way to live. Birling then says therell be rapid progress everywhere except of course in Russia, which will always be behind naturally. The audience know Russia was one time the most powerful country in the world. To show Birling is against socialism he said, We cant let these Benard Shaws and H. G. Wellses do all the talking. These two people believe in socialism and because Birling managed to get everything he said incorrect you then believe socialism must be the correct way to live because Birling says its wrong. Birling believes he is subtle but really the audience thinks he isnt very bright at all. Preistley showed capitalism is wrong in an ingenious way so you believe Preistley by having Birling do a speech and managing to get everything he talks about incorrect and making the audience feel hes dense. This makes capitalism look like a poor way to live and socialism a finer way to live. Once Mrs Birling, Sheila and Eric leave the room, Mr Birling tries to boast to Gerald. Birling says, I was lord mayor here two years ago when royalty visited Birling is saying he is important enough to meet royalty, so he thinks hes great and an above average human being. He then says, I gather theres a very good chance of a knighthood so long as we behave ourselves, dont get into the police court or start a scandal eh? and he laughs. Thats a hint that its going to happen and Birling thinks no police would try to find anything wrong with the Birlings. So the audience think hes as stupid as ever. Preistley using dramatic irony with the police actually then appearing adds tension.