Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organisational Behaviour Concepts and Applications

Question: Discuss about the Organisational Behaviour Concepts and Applications. Answer: Introduction The case study is related to Deloitte and the way its program can lend a hand with having successful hiring practices and retention of the staff members. In the case study, the company discusses the way its educational programs are an effective move for giving the chance to the candidates to raise their aptitude and efficiency levels. This particular Teach First program adopted by the company is highly admirable and appreciable. The purpose of the essay is to figure out the management approach used by the company. Along with this, an assessment of the hiring practices needed in order to make sure that the company is successful enough to build up a better potential amongst the available number of employees. Each organization has to realize the way workers can give more input and can contribute towards attainment of its goals and objectives (Wiewiora, Trigunarsyah, Murphy Coffey, 2013). Management Approach After going through the case study, it can be very well noticed that the company Deloitte considers Scientific Management Approach. According to this approach, the scientific study of the work methods is a must to lift up the productivity levels at the part of the employees. Moreover, the approach concentrates on the nature of the job and locating the way it can be carried out in the most effective manner. This necessitates for proper training in order to help the person learn the way job has to be carried on competently. This particular management approach has contributed towards the introduction of the training and development programs, rewarding the workers with the most innovative techniques. The development of the teams to make sure that the pursuit of the common organizational goals takes place. Most importantly, it also sees to it that the workers are rewarded as per their productivity levels. In this case, the company Deloitte introduced the Teach First program in order to bring forth more of talent and ability on the part of the employees. Deloitte is a renowned company that offers audit, tax, consulting, and consulting service to many of the world's most well-liked brands. This is the reason that the company looks forward to the most talented and equipped candidates that have the best knowledge and information pertaining to the tasks allocated to them. With the help of the scientific management approach, the company is successful enough to have a pool of candidates all over the globe that are performing their duties with utmost effectiveness. The Deloittes Career Connections are also an effective way to lend a hand to the employees that are not happy with their job positions. It supports them to figure out the best possible way to gain interest and involvement towards the job. The management approach of the company is very much appropriate as it goes well with the ongoing circumstances and helps to have the elite class well-versed with the tasks and obligations allocated (Sua, Baird Blair, 2013). Strengths and Weaknesses The hiring program of the company is effective enough as it gives chance to the candidates to go through the different levels and to have all the possible knowledge to perform their part effectively. The strengths are offering the platform to perk up their skills and competencies, to possess all the knowledge and information needed to carry on with the assigned role, getting the chance to become a part of such a big venture, and gaining all the practical and theoretical knowledge to satisfy the customers and help the company grow and progress with utmost effectiveness. The weaknesses of the hiring program are that the company does not concentrate on the persons emotional intellect. There hardly rests any scope for team development, motivation, personality grooming, and innovation aspects. The human approach is very much missing and that holds vital importance in todays situation (Wood, 2015). The personality characteristics that Deloitte is seeking are to be goal-oriented, disciplined, subject expert, committed, organized, and most importantly productive. These are the key traits that are very much looked in the candidates. These are surely going to help the candidates to serve on the expectations of the company. It is a must in order to become a part of such a famous and big venture (Landells Albrecht, 2017). Recommendations The company Deloitte is in a great need to work more on its hiring practices and to think over the way to retain its staff members. There is no doubt that the companys management approach is a perfect way to hire the most competent and talented people. But, at the same time, the company do not lay emphasis on the other aspects such as job attitude, motivation, personality, and the Human approach (Harrison Baird, 2015). In current business setting, this seems to be very much important in order to mark long-lasting presence and to satisfy the workers. It is a must from the part of the company to think of the ways to introduce the motivational aspects to help the workers find their job more of interesting and exciting. Motivation part is found lacking as the company aims more on maintaining the number of talented people. New hires are not considered by the company and it is more of concern for the retention of the available workforce. There is no doubt that the company thinks of employees career objectives and do the needful. But, it also has to think of some other ways to make employees motivated such as having an effective workplace ambiance, involvement in companys affairs, diversity management, and promoting the group and team development (Howell, Kirk-Brown Cooper, 2012). Conclusion At the end, it can be very well stated that the organizational behavior helps the company understand the behavior of its workers and that complements its working and functioning. It can also be taken in a way that the company Deloittes way to hiring and retaining staff is good enough but lack some areas that make it detached from its human resources. The company does not make proper use of the organizational behavior and that can create issues in the future period of time. This is the reason that the company should think of this area and need to consider workers self-development together with the companys growth. Motivation has to be effectively applied to receive better performance on the part of the workers. References Harrison, G.L. Baird, K.M. (2015). The organizational culture of public sector organizations in Australia. Australian Journal of Management, Vol.40(4), pp: 613-629. Howell, A., Kirk-Brown, A. Cooper, B.K. (2012). Does congruence between espoused and enacted organizational values predict affective commitment in Australian organizations? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.23(4), p: 731-747. Landells, E. Albrecht, S. (2017). The Positives and Negatives of Organizational Politics: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol.32(1), pp: 41-58. Sua, S., Baird, K. Blair, B. (2013). Employee organizational commitment in the Australian public sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.24(2), p.243. Wiewiora, A., Trigunarsyah, B., Murphy, G. Coffey, V. (2013). Organizational culture and willingness to share knowledge: A competing values perspective in Australian context. International Journal of Project Management, Vol.31(8), pp: 1163-1174. Wood, J. (2015). Organisational Behaviour Core Concepts and Applications, (4th ed.), ProQuest.

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