Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparison Of Ifrs And Gaap - 978 Words

A Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Numerous oversight organizations implement and monitor the generally accepted accounting principles, also referred to as GAAP, of their individual countries. GAAP are in place to maintain a level of consistency between the reports of individual firms, Issues arise, however when a company operates in several countries. To address these problems, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) developed the International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS. The IFRS are superseding GAAP as the official reporting structure of many countries and as of July 2014, 283 have adopted the IASB’s new rule book (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2014). The transition to IFRS has spawned a worldwide dialog of investors and analysts discussing the effects it will have on reporting and the implications this move carries into the future. This paper will review some financial reporting standards, the major distinctions between the U.S. GAAP and IFRS, and the competitive advantages and disadvantages of altering the U.S. reporting structure. Objective of Financial Reporting IFRS and GAAP both insist on information being faithfully represented and relevant. Faithfully represented data consistently adheres to proper trade standards and is conservatively reported. Any financial information that is deemed important to the users of an organization’s financial statement is considered relevant and should always be included. There are many similarities between the twoShow MoreRelatedComparison Of IFRS to GAAP Essay1192 Words   |  5 PagesComparing IFRS to GAAP Albert Payne ACC/290 11/14/2014 Daniela Trudel Comparing IFRS to GAAP This paper looks at relevant comparisons of IFRS, â€Å"International Financial Reporting Standards† and GAAP, â€Å"Generally Accepted Accounting Principles†. 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