Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Career Action Plan PartB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Career Action Plan PartB - Assignment Example A marketability analysis is also included in this particular study for outlining my marketable skills. These identified skills would be compared with wide array of attributes in context of professional industry. There are appropriate analytical techniques incorporated to judge current position of an individual and what others skills are essential so as to secure a strong position in career path. In this study two kinds of attributes are majorly highlighted, one that is already being possessed and other is what is needed to be improved. Ideal situation will be well analyzed by implementing an effective tool known as SWOT analysis. This form of analysis shall encompass both current and ideal situation which is required for designing the best career action plan. Apart from identifying internal strengths and weaknesses and outlining external threats and opportunities, focus will also be on goal setting. In the entire process two forms of goals will be determined like long term and short term goals. At the end of this study, some steps would be discussed for achieving success in career path. Career goals can be explored only when desirable qualities are present within an individual. Career Action Plan is an important tool by which an individual is able to set and develop the steps for fulfilling its goal and objectives in his professional life. He is only responsible to build his own career. But there are certain things involves in career development which requires professional guidance for making decisions and planning of career more effective. It will help the individual to achieve its career goals in an efficient way. A person should start to build his career actions plans from a very early stage. This will help him to develop his employable skills. Various options arise while forming career actions plan. An individual explores each and every option very

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