Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Communication Privacy Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication Privacy Management - Essay Example The research question for this paper was; what are the ways in which the CPM theory can be used to enhance consumer management approaches in a business organization. This question seeks to explore ways in which organisations can build systems that can be used by its employees in identifying effective ways of collecting and managing consumer information. The question offers effective ways that can be used to ensure that the business manages to develop and manage consumer experiences for purposes of enhancing their loyalty in the business. The hypothesis for the research was; organisations can build effective competitive strategies by developing and marinating consumer privacy in their operations. This research hypothesis proceeds to examines ways that can identify the need to have such strategies for developing consumer privacy issues in the business. For this research, the respondents picked for the data collection process were invited into an on-campus lab for purposes of being inte rviewed on websites and sell music and other products using e-commerce. After getting consent to take part in the interview process, the respondents were given ten minutes to browse through the site and make some orders for music CDs and other products being sold. After the browsing process, the respondents were given questionnaires to fill and explain their experiences while interacting with the site.

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