Sunday, August 11, 2019

5th Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

5th Hour - Essay Example It was appealing to learn that Teach for America aims at solving educational problems associated with population diversity. The organization would provide efficient pathways to leadership and service to all citizens within America. Matt Kramer presented Team for America objectives and mandate with zeal and authority. I liked his oratory skills. He talked fluently and vividly throughout the session. His transformative skills depicted the breed of leaders Team for America purposes to develop. He coordinated his activities with ease and involved all existing members of Team for America in his decisions. I appreciated the recruiting process Team for America adopted. The organization recruiting process seemed transparent and accommodative. The organizations’ teachers would consist of individuals from different cultures. Team for America would engage recent college graduates and other professionals in teaching programs for a minimum of two years. Recruits would teach various disciplines in rural and urban communities throughout America. Team for America would aim at transforming students to attain their full potential and develop into leaders that advocate educational equity. It was quite appealing to learn that Team for America teachers would receive monthly salary and benefits similar to government district salary for tutors. I learnt about the various benefits that exist for Valparaiso University graduates who will opt to join Team for America. They would explore numerous opportunities including learning and appreciating cultural diversity. Joining Team for America is a lifetime opportunity for participating in life transforming

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