Monday, August 12, 2019

Assess and Evaluate Winston Churchill as a Foreign Policy Leader Term Paper

Assess and Evaluate Winston Churchill as a Foreign Policy Leader - Term Paper Example Premier Churchill and President Roosevelt are said to have attended almost a dozen conferences together which goes on the show the amount of understanding and collaboration between the two countries. It was only due to Churchill’s sincere work that he got the support of the Americans in 1941. Even relationships with the Soviet Union weren’t strong before Churchill took charge of his office. Churchill, however, looked at the need of the hour paying importance to the delicacy of the situation, as the Nazis had almost conquered France, and formed an unexpected and uncomfortable alliance with the Soviets. The height of Churchill’s foreign policy perspective can be attributed to the fact that he brought the Soviets and the Americans together and formed the so-called â€Å"Grand Alliance†. If these two countries were left on their own there was no chance they would have even thought of working together. It was Churchill who traveled almost forty thousand miles across the world in the wartime to muster the support of these two countries (Merritt, 2007). Churchill is often criticized over the Dresden bombing controversy. His critics believed that this act led to a dramatic fall in his image as a good foreign policy decision maker (Titus, 1963). In 1945, the British and American bombers launched an attack on the German city of Dresden which resulted in deaths of a significant number of civilians. Many believed that his instructions to the RAF constituted a war crime and were an insult to precious human life. Churchill is also accredited for building the foundations of understanding between the United States and the United Kingdom (Daynes, 2006). It was due to Churchill’s efforts that these two countries are strong allies even in the current times and always come to help each other whenever required. Churchill is also attributed as being a major contributing party to the treaties that ultimately redrew post-war boundaries in Europe and Asia. He attended the Yalta Conference which was called for the purpose post-war reorganization.

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