Friday, August 23, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response paper - Essay Example The video shows the grave situation which has resulted in the forest of Boulder, Colorado. This forest is a vast land accommodating thousands of pine trees. It does not only provide for scenic beauty; rather it is home to several people who live among the beautiful mountains, forests and lakes of Colorado. Due to the rising global temperatures, the trees of the forest are encountering parasitic invasion by the ‘pine beetles’. These insects only infest at warmer temperatures and due to the climate changes they have gained access to the pine trees of Colorado. Because of this massive invasion, the pine trees of Colorado are dying and their number has decreased significantly over the past years. The destruction of trees gives way to an unhealthy eco-system, as the animal species of the forest will encounter a disturbed cycle of life. Moreover, the increased number of dead tree logs also gives way to wild forest fires. The Fourmile forest fire of Colorado in 2010 was a devas tating outcome of global warming which led to many people losing their homes in Colorado. This is an upsetting outcome of global warming that has affected the human population. If the balance of environment is not restored, the outcomes can be more devastating and life-altering. In view of the government’s basic duty to protect the natural elements of its domain such as air and water, the residents of Boulder, Colorado are standing up for their rights and demanding the protection of their natural resources. It is stated by scientists that if we decrease the total carbon dioxide production by 6 percent per year and increase the number of forests, then the balance of environment can be restored. People who appreciate and enjoy the natural resources around them are raising their voices as environmental activists to spread awareness and acknowledgement among the masses. Video 2 There are various ominous signs that point towards the changing climate of Earth. These changes and the ir effects are going to indirectly affect the human population, by shortcomings in food and water resources. The melting of glaciers is one of those worrisome indicators that signify the pacing global warming and this video explains the negativities associated with this melting of glaciers. The Himalayas is home to many gigantic and historic glaciers. Many years back, these glaciers were a source of awe and wonderment for the discoverers and mountain explorers. The thought of disappearance of these colossally huge glaciers never even struck their minds. However, some of these glaciers are melting, which apart from being a problematic sign of global warming, is going to affect millions of people living in the Himalayas. Industrialization of the world is leading to the glacial melt, which is exhibited by the difference in their sizes when compared to the glaciers’ older pictures and descriptions. A very relevant example would be of the Kyetrak Glacier, Mountain Cho Oyu. The gla cier has been affected by the global warming and has shown signs of melting when compared to the 1921 and the 2009 descriptions of the glacier. The Rongbuk Glacier, located in the Himalayas, is another victim of global warming and mountain explorers describe drastic changes in the glacier over the past 30 years. Explorers describe the glacial melt to affect the inhabitants of Himalayas. They will be facing problems in their

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