Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Tourism Industry of Dubai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Tourism Industry of Dubai - Essay Example Dubai is known internationally as one of the premier tourist destinations of the world, especially among the high-income and elite group of tourists. It is also regarded as one of the richest places in the world where Dubai is always desired for mass tourism. There is apparently an endless variety of vacation opportunities in this part of the world with positive intervention and support from both government and industries. Notably, the government of UAE aims at developing Dubai as the chief tourist destinations in the world, making use of its unique tourism features operating as a differentiated tourist hub and thus obtaining the competitive advantages of almost no close substitutes. The place is considered as the jewel of UAE because of the fact that it offers luxury, sumptuousness and outstanding facilities to the tourists with a magnificent blend of tradition and modern cultures. It has been observed that outstanding hotels, shopping malls, and skyscrapers are the well-known chara cteristics of Dubai. It has been further viewed that Dubai offers great opportunities and verities for all potential tourists in accordance with the taste of the people visiting the city. It has also been noted that the shopping malls of Emirates situated in this place provide a variety of options to the customers from fashion to home furnishing. Furthermore, Dubai also focuses on developing its sports tourism industry sector facilitating various sports through Ski Dubai resort and other similar amenities (Henderson, 2006).... Gigantism engaging huge amounts of money had been the vision of tourism in Dubai owing to which many prominent projects of tourism development have raised significant threat to the scarcity of natural resources. Apart from environmental threats, the city is also affected by regular governmental intervention from the national and international levels, which is often termed as the ‘War Zone’. It is worth mentioning in this context that US military forces had been operating in Dubai, using the city as a vital base to perform spying activities on Iran, which has significantly influenced tourism rates within the city. Money laundering has also been a mostly debated issue in Dubai. Moreover, Dubai is also criticised for the slavery related issues. Behind the ultra modern and luxurious hotels of the city, there lies a dark world where slavery is still being practiced. Issues related to forced labour are also seemed to be quite significant in the city. Irrespective of such issue s, Dubai had been able to maintain its peace avoiding any considerable terrorist attacks and rendering due scope to attract a variety of tourists from around the world (Davis, 2007; Keane & McGeehan, 2008). Emphasising these characteristics of the tourism market in Dubai, the paper would intend to evaluate the extent to which the city deciphers or rather illustrates the features of modern urban tourism. The intention of the paper will be thus concentrated on connoting if Dubai presents a new paradigm of urban tourism. Discussion Illustration of Dubai as a Tourist Place Dubai is known internationally as one of the premier tourist destinations of the world, especially among the

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