Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Contemporary Supply Chain Management and Consultancy management Essay

Contemporary Supply Chain Management and Consultancy management techniques - Essay Example This helps these businesses to achieve maximum efficiency because they worry less about these aspects of business because they focus more on adding value to their customers. In order for a business to reap the benefits of supply chain management, it is important for a business to identify suppliers that are able to deliver value as intended meaning that the process of seeking suppliers has to be a rigorous one. Many businesses have to come to understand the potential that supply chain management (SCM) has to their operations because when implemented effectively can help them in achieving competitive advantage in the markets that they exist in (Monczka, Handfield, Giunipero & Patterson 2015, 349). The concept of SCM has gained popularity because business entities developed a keen eye on delivering quality to the markets they serve and also based on the need to manage the materials that are used in product developed. Also the need to manage logistics as a way of creating value for the customers being served by a business has further propelled the inclusion of SCM as part of business operations. Based on this overview, this essay will focus on influencing understanding and application of appropriate management frameworks that can be essential in the planning and control of goods and services by having the aspects of quality, quantity and cost analysis in mind. Further, the paper will also seek to create an understanding of the tools and techniques that exists that can help in achieving efficiency in the supply chain managerial decision making under supply chain management. In relation to consultancy management techniques, the essay will identify data and information sources that are relevant to the decision making process and also analyze this information so as to support the decision making process. Further, emphasis will be on communicating the

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