Friday, August 9, 2019

Experiences with Pop Ups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experiences with Pop Ups - Essay Example These pop-ups take ages to get loaded and ultimately open in different windows of the browser which makes me feel incapable of doing anything to remove them from my computer system. These pop-ups consume quite a lot of bandwidth and at times display obscene images on my screen which makes me feel really bad (Rohan 2003). I really cannot do anything worthwhile whenever these pop-ups appear and I just do not understand what to do with them. My experience with pop-ups suggests to me that I am wasting my time in different zones where I must not have gone at all in the first place. I become shocked to see how these pop-ups make all of us feel so stupid and dumb at times. Â  I am of the view that these pop-ups are immoral and these advertise things which are in bad taste and spirit. They mean business, however in a very negative way. These must not be allowed and all efforts should be undertaken by the anti- pop up makers to keep away these pop-ups which bring tension and a sense of wrath for the users. The unethical nature of these pop-ups suggests that the makers of these pop-ups and similar advertising messages are people who lack morality within their folds and hence they have little or absolutely no respect for the privacy of computer users. It is important that some legislation is passed under the cybercrime act which takes care of these pop-ups and their manufacturers so that they do not play havoc with our lives as and when they wish (Cowan 2004). The morality or the lack thereof could be gauged from the fact that these pop-ups have nude images, obscene gestures and illicit messages embedded within them, irrespective of the fact who is sittin g on the computer screen and what kind of usage is he employing as far as the computer system is concerned (Thompson 2006).

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